Jan 21, 2009 18:38
Her favorite peanut butter biscuits have been recalled. She's already consumed a large portion of the bag (we had this bag for quite some time before the recall) without any ill effects. And she likely would continue to be fine. But better safe than sorry, right? She may not show symptoms, but she can carry the bacteria.
So...taking the bag back to Petsmart for a refund/exchange. Guess it's a good thing we got those cheddar/bacon treats over the weekend. That's all she'll have for the next couple days. Unless they start recalling cheddar or bacon.
I feel oddly well today. I have more energy than usual and have no excessively bad malaise. So I'm taking advantage of this to get some things done. Went to Rite Aid at lunch to get some things. Doing laundry tonight (sheets, anyway). I was going to cook lunch for myself for the rest of the week, but I forgot about my caesar salad mix in the fridge, so I'll take that for the next couple of days. I have to get everything ready tonight to throw in the crockpot tomorrow morning for the Italian Beef Sandwiches. Except the meat isn't entirely thawed out.
Oh, and the fog lifted a bit today for awhile, and the sun came out.