Sidney Lens. Poverty: America's Enduring Paradox. A History of the Richest Nation's Unwon War (New York 1971)
Русское издание - Ленс С. "Бедность: Неискоренимый парадокс Америки". М: Прогресс, 1976.
Sidney Lens (1912-1986), also known by his birth name Sid Okun, was an American labor leader, political activist, and author, best known for his book, The Day Before Doomsday, which warns of the prospect of nuclear annihilation, published in 1977 by Doubleday. He also wrote a history of U.S. intervention abroad, The Forging of the American Empire, originally published in 1974 and republished in 2003 by Haymarket Books with a new introduction by Howard Zinn; and an autobiography, Unrepentant Radical.
Formerly a member of Hugo Oehler's Revolutionary Workers League, Lens was active in retail worker unions in Chicago[1] and in the anti-war movement during the Vietnam War. In 1967, he was among more than 500 writers and editors who signed the "Writers and Editors War Tax Protest" pledge, vowing to refuse to pay the 10% Vietnam War Tax surcharge proposed by president Johnson.
Lens was an editor of The Progressive.
In 1980, Lens was the Citizens Party (United States) candidate for United States Senate in Illinois.
Вступительная статья (Р. Ф. Иванов)
1. Живуча, словно кошка
2. Корни и сходство
3. Борьба с бедностью - старый стиль
4. Священный эксперимент
5. Свободные, но не равные
6. Горький плод
7. О времени и терпении
8. "Проголосуйте за собственную ферму"
9. "Никогда больше не повторится!"
10. Сорок акров и мул
11. "Сбор урожая с фермеров"
12. Фермерский социализм
13. Приспособленные и неприспособленные
14. Другая половина
15. Недостроенный дом
16. "Просачивание" богатства и паника
17. Новое вино в старых мехах
18. И будет так всегда?