Aug 05, 2006 23:56
the pro pizza driver relys on clients for his reason to exist, that being big tips, its common knowledge that big tips do not happen that often, but the PPD strives to get them everytime none the less...Clients come in all sizes, shapes, creedo's and various states of consciousness, none of this matters, all that matters is that when they're opening the door, they for some reason feel compelled to tip, and BIG...of course some people are so barely conscious they don't understand how or even if they should tip the PPD, these types will happen more often than a PPD wants to talk about...they are usually SO unaware of their surroundings and how things work that they don't understand that the PPD is providing them a service...saving them from having to get in their car, drive, wait, drive home, while it cools, then eat....these people obiviously are so low on the awareness ladder they believe that the PPD just shows up by magic, and takes payment, then disappears by magic as soon as the door shuts....these same people are often caught trying to check if the light turns off when the refridgerator door shuts....lower class drivers make a note of these people, but a PPD takes it in stride, having come to FULL GAME AWARENESS they know its bound to happen a couple times a night, they understand concepts like the bell curve and so of averages and so on...
most people are somewhat aware of how things work, and will make a gesture of tipping 1 to 3 dollars, all is fair in the pizza game and the PPD knows that these are his bread and butter tips, he will have to work hard but enough runs and his job becomes "worth it"...usually these people have a dog that wants to do something horrible or distracting to the PPD or worse yet kids...sometimes there are somewhat interesting and have a semi developped personality, and a light conversation lasting just long enough to distract the PPD ensue's...usually while the PPD is back tracking toward his car...
then there are the big tippers, a big tipper can be a asshole, or a saint, it doesn't matter, the bottom line is the big tipper is so aware of things that they tip big, either to impress some one, somewhere, or because they understand the rigors of being a PPD, half the time they were a PPD or wannabe-PPD at one time...two or three big tippers in a night can make for a good night, two in one run can literally shake the PPD's game....
clients, we need them, they need food, conviently.