Yeah, yeah. More quotes.

Jul 15, 2005 00:25

Gah, I'm in such a loved and loving mood right now. Today was b-a-n-a-n-a-s. Zack, Travis, Meredith, and I all went to Six Flags. You guys officially make my life worth every single second. I finally got the nerve to go on Superman, and ended up going on it three times. We all hung out in some random arcade for awhile, and once we decided to pool all the tickets, Meredith thought it would be a great idea to get a pair of handcuffs as a prize. I spent the rest of the day being dragged around by handcuffs and leather bondage straps...And I loved it!!! I could easily spend 400 bazillion hours sitting here boring you with other things we did, but I think that instead, I'll take the beaten path and do a list of quotes. Enjoy!

"I'm a mailbox."
"Oh my God, you guys. She actually does have fat!!!!" (Toldja so :-P)
"Ew. No. Shut up. I hate you. Shut up. Shut up. Fuck you. Shut up. Fuck you. No. Ew. I hate you. Are you ready to talk? Yeah? Ok. No. Shut up."
"The handcuffs fell off..."
"Walk me."
"The meat feels gross, but the bun feels nice."
"They put in the ankle restraints because a guy died and got severed in half."
"Here, I'll give you a hint. *jab*"
"I prefer steel to wood...and I hate being wet."
"Come, bitch!" "Yes, mistress."
"Hey, I think that's them! I saw short legs, and heard a bellowing man-yell!"
"I've been stalking him for ten minutes. I don't think he's worth it any more."
"What color should I dye my hair?" "Blood red. No, bright red. No, crayon red."
"You wear that every day." "Yeah, it's my lucky chain." "Why is it lucky?" "Because I had it blessed." "...Do you even believe in your religion?" "...No. Shut up, okay?"

Gah. Lateness. I still need to pack and be ready to go by 3:30 this afternoon. This si probably the last you'll hear from me for at least a week, so please leave some love while I'm gone. You are also welcome to email me with plans for when I get back at Thanks again to the three people who made this day amazing. I love you guys, and I can't wait until we can do that again.

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Erin (Haha vacation love. Hope it lasts)

Edit: Happy almost-birthday to Katrina!!!!! (I won't be here for her actual birthday, so...yeah.) WOOOOOO BIRTHDAY!!!!
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