Apr 23, 2005 17:01
North has kitty depression, I’m sure of it. It is not weird to say that he’s been constantly lying around, because that’s what all cats do periodically. What’s different about it is that he’s extremely apathetic. When I was downstairs, I tossed a bandana at him, thinking it’d spark his interest and he’d attack it. But all that happened is he jumped, and then didn’t even flutter an eyelash towards it. He stayed sitting on all fours in the dark office.
I’m pretty sure it’s all happening because of the rain. He has a sure case of spring fever, and wants to be outside at all times. Because it’s poring today, he’s been nearly invisible. I haven’t even seen him pawing at the windows. When I went upstairs, I picked him up, put him on his back in my arms and clucked my tongue in his fur. He didn’t do much accept look around a little. I took him to my computer and sat down. He took his time rolling off my lap, and is now sitting like a sphinx, accept with his front paws pulled in more. What bothers me is that he’s staring at the pillar at the top of my stairs, and has been doing so this entire entry.
My poor Northie is scaring me.