Apr 23, 2005 12:13
By Monday the only three days had seemed like a week in itself for me, and working a full day at the harbor droned on longer than I’d ever imagined it could. Coming home that day, I had the task of raking Marilee’s lawn for a price, and so set in with great ambition. The work felt easy compared to that of the marina, and I nearly finished the entirety of the lawn accept that the wind was blowing my work back. Stopping because it felt pointless, I went inside to hear the news that Matt was throwing a roll play that evening until late. Arriving in a skirt just after a hot shower, I astonished everyone with a new haircut I’d just given myself. Some liked it, some hated it with a passion, but it made me feel like a million dollars, and it wasn’t bad at all for my first self-style. Having cut so many other people’s hair rather well, it came out quite nice, and I like most of all, that people weren’t afraid to touch my hair and ME now.
Tuesday I had one of the worst days in my life because I was emotionally warn out and physically exhausted. I felt like my entire vacation was work and doing what other people wanted. I hadn’t gotten to do a single thing I’d wanted, and I was running out of time. My major argument was that if the government considers school to be the equivalent of a full time job, than the one-week vacation was rightfully for lounging around regaining mental sanity! But because I was working over six hours a day doing manual labor, I wasn’t getting the reward that the rest of the work was, and therefore ended up nearly crying on the roof, on the phone to James.
Wednesday was significantly better. Rob, James, Kelsey, Megan, Maria, Jamie and Marilee came over after work and hung out until late. Plans got a little tangled, but I ended up having an amazing time in the rain and just letting the stress go on the fine date of 4/20.
Thursday was a but tangled in the dreamy state of Wednesday, but all went well and for the fourth day in a row, I attempted to bag the leaves I’d been raking. Marilee and I got a system going of kneeling and pushing them into the bag, when I felt a sharp prick in my right nee. Thinking it was a stick, I withdrew my nee from he leaves but it kept on hurting until I was squealing and crying, flapping my arms around to hop away from the pain. It was the first time in my life (as I can recall) being stung by a bee or wasp. Calling for Marilee’s mom, I washed it off and watched as it swelled up. We put various concoctions on it to ease the sting, and called it a day.
Friday I found, passed extremely quickly at work. This was probably because a boy came in looking for a job application, and I talked to him, giving him some advice as to how to get their attention. I acted quite ridiculous, which turned out extremely well because he was about as pirate hippie as I. Illegally looking at his phone number on the application, I saved it not actually intending to use it. Later in the day Marilee and I headed to the playground for fun and photography. I told her about the boy, and she said I should call the number and ask him to watch a movie with us that evening. Laughing, I called it to find out that I had it wrong. Guessing a few times, I managed to come up with the correct one and left my name and number with his dad. Not having expected to get the number right, Marilee and I giggled and made light of it until later when we were buying nail polish and he called me back on the cell phone. I darted out of the store leaving Marilee with the bill and all out things. I did my best not to creep out Kyle, and e en though I did a little; he agreed to come over for the movie. Marilee and I bought a pint of ice cream of a flavor Kyle suggested, and ate it on the swings at the playground. I don’t recall us ever getting around to the photography.
When Kyle arrived Spencer and us girls were sitting in the trailer in the front lawn eating the ice cream. Kyle climbed in and I told the story of the day and having to reach into my pants to get at a second pair, which had my money in it. Later on Kelsey and Megan dropped by, and we once again never got to the movie part of things. My pets got a lot of attention from everyone, Kyle and I drew lots of pictures in my sketchbook and I got really sad when he said he wanted to be friends forever.
Last night Marilee slept over for the second night in a row, and when we accidentally slept in until eleven AM, we missed out on our brunch plans. Her mom called to come get her because she had to go to work at the Inn for her third day. I got freshened up, cleaned a little and fretted about all the Great Gatsby reading I had to do by Monday.
Kelsey and I made plans to go to Chia San for lunch, and tried to find Megan and failed. Jamie was getting her hair done, Meghan Clark’s line was busy and Maria had already eaten. Being hungry I suggested we just go and drag Megan out of bed. I desperately wanted Chinese and to go to the Army Barracks store to get a sailor shirt that’d look cute as hell with my hair.