God, I fucking love alchohol

Jul 06, 2005 23:58

Oh this mess....

Malfoy, why are you so fucked up? I don't even know what fucking happened... but I ... I just can't celebrate in someone lying near death even if I'm not fond of them. Maybe Snape ... no, God, even Snape I wouldn't want dead... wounded, yes. Dead? Never. maybe I'm a coward. Or soft hearted. Or fucking gay or something.

But I just can't rejoice in someone almost dying.


Sitting here, in my room, with a flask just seems to make this all not very important or... to really matter. I've gotten to the happy point when I can't feel my fingers but can still see reletively straight. it's at this state that the universe begins to unravels its mysteries...

Lily's got really pretty hair. It's too bad she thinks I'm a prat. Emm's alright though.

I hope Sirius won't think I'm a total coward for defending Malfoy. I mean, he goes against everything we stand for...but I can't be happy that he's hurt. I just can't. I hope he'll understand.
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