August: They're called boobs, Ed. - Erin Brockovich

Aug 23, 2008 17:35

Sitting on the sofa she cradled her son in her arms and smiled as she watched him reach up with his tiny balled hand and grasp at the air as he yawned slowly, stirring after a short sleep. He was still so wrinkled and there were times Juno couldn’t help but compare him to a little old man, tiny and wrinkled, seeming as though he’d been left in the bath for too long. But then he’d been growing in liquid for the past 9 months. Glancing up she looked over at Mutt who was busy watching TV and she shook her head and looked back down at her son.

He was perfect, ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes, a little nose she just wanted to press softly and the way would grab a hold of her fingers and squeeze it so tightly. It amazed Juno how strong he was, that little baby in her arms gripping onto her finger like it was the only thing keeping him alive. Such strength in one so small. Juno wondered if it was out base instincts to cling onto life the way we did when we were this small.

With her eyes fixed upon him a small smile twitched at the side of her lips as Iggy screwed up his eyes and that bottom lip of his began to quiver before his face screwed up all the more and his mouth opened. Looking down at him with complete love as his bottom lip and chin shook as he began to cry, Juno knew that she couldn’t imagine her life without him now. Maybe things would change in a week, or even a day, but right now she couldn’t think of her life without him.

Shifting him carefully to one arm she unbuttoned the shirt she was wearing and pulled it down to uncover her bra before unclipping the top to expose her nipple. Gently she moved Iggy in her arms and guided him towards her now exposed breast. His cheek brushed against her soft skin and his face turned, mouth already starting the motion that proved he was hungry. Lifting him higher she moved until his lips pressed around her nipple and he began to suck. Winching a little at the initial pain, then taking a breath and relaxing, Juno watched the babe in her arms suckle on her nipple with a hunger so strong she just knew he’d be a fighter.

Her fingers ran over his cheek and she grinned, content to watch him feed, able to ignore the sharp pains that made her flinch inside. One amazing night, a stupid mistake not using any protection and she had a beautiful boy in her arms who… Glancing up she raised an eyebrow as she saw Mutt just sat there staring at her with wide eyes, no, not her, the babe who was sucking on her exposed breast. No, he was actually fixated on her breast.

Shaking her head she reached with her free hand and picked up a cushion and tossed it across the room at him, “Mutt, it’s just a breast, stop staring at it.”

Juno MacGuff
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juno:juno macguff

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