Nov 07, 2012 08:39
I do all I can to avoid Internet drama over politics (one of the main reasons why I avoid using Facebook). But it happened to me last night on Tumblr.
I reblogged something pertaining to the election after Barrack Obama won. I can't remember what it was. And I guess one of my followers reblogged that. And then I got a pretty hateful message from another follower telling me to quit reblogging Election 2012 stuff because so-and-so reblogged what I reblogged and "that fatass piece of shit" was staring online fights with them.
Yeah. Try to figure that out. Even I'm a bit confused after I typed that out.
It's pretty stupid that people online will get so worked up and defensive over such little things as Tumblr posts that are pretty insignificant. I mean, are you twelve years old?! How childish. And there was no need to resort to calling the other person a name over it. And don't drag me into your drama with someone else.
So I unfollowed and blocked that user. Quite simple as that. I'm an adult and above such childish Internet drama.
Oh, and I also got some other user on Tumblr that I don't follow and had never encountered before call me a "stupid fucking idiot" because I stated a political opinion. Guess what?! YOU just got reported for harassment, loser! No need to drag out the insults for someone you are obviously trolling after!
Work yesterday wasn't terribly bad. I had one customer try to drag me into a political discussion, but I just had to politely tell them, "No offense, but I don't discuss government and politics at work." And quite frankly, it's not my place to speak my opinions about politics at work. I'm there to do a job. It's hard enough for me to be polite to those assholes.
Then Andy started babbling some nonsense about how "bad" President Obama was and "he makes fun of special ed students." You know, obvious lies. Because it's pretty gauche these days to make fun of special needs people, whether you're Democrat OR Republican. And mind you, Andy is special needs himself and babbles all sorts of bullshit anyway. I asked him if he voted. He was all, "I didn't register! Heh heh!"
Good lord.
I need to fucking LEAVE this job.
political stuff,
internet sucks,
work sucks