Oct 05, 2005 18:29
Once upon a time, there were two huge pothead's.:-) They were so close as a matter of fact that they considered each other brother and sister. One was a short little girl with bloned hair, and the other was a tall long haired skinny dude,lol. For a while, we were unseperable. But life made it so we lost track of each other...wow has time changed.
I finally see her after YEARS of never knowing what has happened to her and man, has she grown. She wound up still being the little sister that I never had.:-) She heard about everything I've been going through and she took the time to see if I was ok from it.
I can't believe how many people really do care about me in my life. I never thought it, but I'm a very lucky person to have people who still worry about me. I can honestly say that I'm very happy to have met all the people in my life that, even through dropping them for reason's that were stupid they still manage to understand. I droped most of my friend's that were girl's only because of the women I was with at the time. I thought it was respectable tward's them...but these are people that have been very nice to me and I owe them more than that. So I now know that I will NEVER drop my female friend's again. Not for no one or nothing. I'm glad I got to hang with her yesterday. We reminised about the old day's, and it really cheared me up! It was a more inisent time for me when I was her friend. I contacted another old friend of mine to, who is still kinda nutty but she was someone I shouldn't have pushed away. Man was I an ass... I suppose now's a good a time as any to be learning these lesson's.