Title: Hem
pinkeuphoria1Pairing: Kame/Jin
Rating: R
Genre: AU, Romance
Notes: The title is actually Swedish and means "home". There are tiny bits of Swedish in the fic - if you click the bits, it'll link you to the translations. Also, people who actually speak fluent Swedish, feel free to correct me if I've made mistakes
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I do enjoy it when people get a bit personal with my writing. My latest thing has been to sort of... try to construct very realistic individuals and scenarios. Of course since it is a work of fiction, some things are going to be pretty absurd (like Jin's excessive travelling), but I'd like the characters to be relatable or understandable on some sense. I guess Kame comes across like that in this fic pretty strongly because he's the one with a gazillion issues, insecurities and mental health problems and all of those things are quite prevalent in today's society.
Yeah, I've been a bit distracted from the fandom but I've noticed that there aren't as many Akame fics being published as they used to and it's really hard to find ones that tickle your fancy :( It is hard to maintain your passion without a lot of new great material. I hope that there's still some around in the fandom :) I'm not really sure if my favourite authors are still writing or not, haha... Oww~
But yes. Thank you! Your comment means a lot to me :)
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