Anyone there?

Jul 24, 2013 16:21

Hi folks,

You probably weren't expecting to see me here again right now, but I just came back from my trip to the United Kingdom and naturally I saw a few things that reminded me of Project Paranormal, particularly the story Wreckers. I remember googling for the image of that Jamaica Inn sign, knowing nothing about it but what I'd read in the ( Read more... )


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Comments 13

ital_gal July 24 2013, 20:30:37 UTC
well as you know i still need to do my wow that was amazing post after the finale, because really, what a story, and i just haven't gotten to it. sigh, guess I'll have to read it again (any excuse to read),but I will do it and soon, promise.


perpetual July 24 2013, 23:04:50 UTC
Hey, I'm just happy to see any response at all to this! Thanks!


ital_gal July 24 2013, 23:30:34 UTC
well, I'm the last one to talk as i had some problems keeping up at the end, but i really miss the chit chat


scribesds July 24 2013, 23:58:45 UTC


Wreckers was partially inspired by an old trip to Cornwall and our visit to the Jamaica Inn. Some of the places I wrote about in the series I have also visited, but not all of them. PP inspired a trip to Bath many moons ago, but it was a flying visit and we didn’t really get chance to look about much. The weather was dreadful, I fell out with my husband, and all in all it wasn’t a happy time and I don’t have pleasant memories of Bath, unfortunately.

Ares did a follow up to Wreckers, and also has some family connections to Cornwall, I believe.


perpetual July 25 2013, 00:12:51 UTC
Ares did mention her Cornish blood! I can't recall which story is the follow up to Wreckers, though. Can you?


scribesds July 25 2013, 00:25:57 UTC
'Twas' Livelihood as I recall...


perpetual July 25 2013, 00:37:19 UTC
Thanks! Now I remember - drinking Spingo was on our list of Project Paranormal -themed things to do in England. Sadly I missed that one and didn't see any additional places in this story that I visited, but I did like the part about how Cornwall almost seems to be a country of its own. I was impressed by the native pride that the Cornish have. There were flags everywhere.


mendenbar01 March 15 2015, 17:33:04 UTC
Back for my annual re-real. Such a fantastic series. Every time I get back to Ought but Death I find tears in my eyes by the end. So much hope there, but we don't KNOW! Does everyone make it back and how much are they changed? I have a fond wish for a someday story but the Queen hasn't seen fit to gift me with a crystal skull so I don't suppose I will ever see one. Great thanks and much admiration to all the fine authors who contributed to this series.


perpetual March 16 2015, 17:26:51 UTC
Oh wow, thanks for leaving the comment to say so! Haven't seen much action around here. I'll try to alert the actual writers to your comment, as I'm sure they'd appreciate it.


mendenbar01 August 14 2016, 18:01:58 UTC
You said everything I think about this series and I have come back periodically to reread. I do wish for one more story for closure. Thank you everyone involved in this wonderful series!!


Amazing series anonymous September 7 2016, 21:44:21 UTC
Hello writers of Project Paranormal

Just found this again having read it (twice) a few years back, and realised I've never posted here to say thanks and how much I've enjoyed reading it.

I have lived in the UK for the majority of my life, and am currently residing in London. I have therefore found it amusing on occasional trips, particularly to the South West, when I come across a village name or a story in a museum that sounds vaguely familiar, and then I realise I read about it here!

Wonder if you'll come back one day with a 'what happened next' to this 'what happened next' tale, but in any case, this is a real gem.

All the best


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