Season 3 Part 7: Wreckers

Apr 27, 2012 14:10

It's Friday again and Project Paranormal always delivers. Today we're reading Wreckers by a writer I'd hope you know by now, Dark Star. It also appears to be the Project's fiftieth episode! I understand this is the sort of thing considered an occasion worth celebrating in Hollywood.

1. Do something about it. We start off with a brief and singular look at the inner life of a character from 1645. John is one of the titular "wreckers", but his thoughts show that he has severe misgivings about it. Was scavenging shipwrecks a necessity for his people, or was it simply a way of life that most of them never thought to question? Did you find anything in the rest of the story that might have been a reference to John?

2. Nothing is too strange. Project Paranormal has a business card! What do you think it looks like, aside from the text? Do they have a logo, too?

3. Fifty years ago. Buffy and Angel have another communicative blip, and it puts a damper on their relationship for a little while. Did you figure out what Buffy was upset about before she said it? Putting aside any question of being right or wrong, how do you think it would feel to be close to someone who had so many years of experience that you couldn't match?

4. The Rupert Giles social network. Say hello to Mac, another trustworthy fellow for whom the team can thank Giles and his connections. What's Mac's story? Will we see him again?

5. As stuck as Kran be. How about that demon, huh? I think I met something like it in a game of Dungeons & Dragons. Can you think of any real-world creatures that might have inspired it? Do you think that this time, Angel really did encounter something new to him?

That's all for now, but let me point out that some of the threads from previous weeks are picking up with new discussion, so if you're hungry for good talk and good fanfiction, you might pay them a second visit. Otherwise, see you next time: story on deck is Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.


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