Nov 01, 2005 19:40
My mom inadvertently pulled a mighty prank last night on some unsuspecting Halloweiners. If you know my house, you know to be suspicious of just about every food you come in contact with. So last night, my mom underestimated the kid traffic we would have, so she only had two bags of candy on hand. Well things became interesting pretty quickly as we ran out of candy quite fast. Luckily, my mother happens to be quick on her toes and she threw in a bunch of candy, that'd been sitting in a dish for a while, into the give-away basket. So how long is "a while"? Well thats all a matter of perspective, but these were chocolates definitly in the shape of Christmas bells and trees. And its probably wishful thinking to say they were from last Christmas. So after the night was basically done, my mom took a closer look at the few remaining candies. She unwrapped a lovely Crunch Christmas Bell to see, in all its glory, BUG INFESTED CHOCOLATE. How spectacular, right!?!? I thought so.