Jun 06, 2013 16:58
A/N: I didn't post for a few times ... I was overwhelmed at work last week, and forgot on Tuesday ... in between I went on a short trip to Gatlinburg, TN ... and my mind was sucked out of my body, probably for good. So today I'm trying to get back in the groove. Interestingly, in the Smoky Mountains, they really identify with bears ... my people!
Jumping jacks, go. Power squats, go. Side lunges, go. Front planks on your hands. Cross countries, go. Repeat whole circuit … that’s the warm up I think. Take a short break.
Go to the side of the room. Assume the position for the dreaded … crab walks. The Bear doesn’t really do crab (in real life, I’m allergic to it, so perhaps I come by my aversion naturally). Down and back. Then squat jumps across the room and back. Back to your places. Get a medicine ball. Push presses (fast) overhead. Then hold the ball straight out in front of you (bend your arms a little if you have to). Then what do you call this, power slam the balls down to the floor and catch them, keep doing it. Feel like we did something on the floor, but I can’t remember what. Then squat jacks. Then briefly double time squat jacks. Short break.
Go to the side of the room. Assume the position for the dreaded … bear crawls. These I can do. Down and back. Then squat jumps across the room and back. Back to your places. Medicine ball again. Push presses overhead. Hold ball out straight in front of you. Power slams. Then what? Hold your arms straight overhead (no medicine ball), calf raises. Then reverse lunges. Lateral hops. Then more squat jacks.
It is possible we did one more entire circuit, but for the life of me, I cannot remember the details. Possible we repeated that last circuit (or most of it … I definitely remember doing the lateral hops twice, as well as the reverse lunges. All the medicine ball stuff we did a total of two times. Only did the crab walk once (that was enough for me). So I can’t remember the details. Chris is crafty that way … somehow, the time passes quickly, even when we’re being tortured.
Cool down. Stretches.
Today’s talk was back to normal: food. Pizza. Body parts - some hot, some cold, some moving on their own accord, etc. The correct ways to pronounce certain words. No Jayne. She had to work at the last minute. No treadmills either, so can’t complain too much.
Returning Bear