The Bear Returns

Mar 12, 2013 15:24

Warm up: squats, go. Side lunges, go. Jumping jacks, go. Now, go get some weights (10s and 12.5s).

Hold weights at your shoulders, squats, go. I cannot for the life of me remember what the next exercise was. Then drop one weight, and do shoulder presses, one hand until told to stop, then the other. Drop the weights, hands overhead, deep squat and hold. Hold, hold, hold (this was extremely hard). Single leg squats, first one side, then the other. Much harder than it sounds. Pick up both weights. Bent over rows. With one foot slightly in front of the other, and back leg slightly bent, dead lifts. At one point, I thought Jaynie was dissin’ on me, calling me a swallow when I did the single leg squats. Apparently she was paying me a compliment, saying I looked like I was slaloming … well, I don’t usually get that as a compliment, which may explain my confusion. Anyway, then switch legs and do it again. Front planks on your hands. Bounce up, and repeat the whole freaking set.


Next circuit: Pick up weights, squats (again). Now, lateral steps, then full squat. This was to make us have dynamic stability … I told Chris, it felt like we had burpees coming, but they never did. I also shared that some of my other friends truly hate mountain climbers. His response: everyone hates mountain climbers. Helen chimed in: and something else but now, once again, my memory ain’t what it used to be. Oh yeah, we did goblet squats with just one weight. We did hammer curls. I think I’m messing up the order here. With one weight in one hand, do reverse lunges. Then switch hands and continue doing reverse lunges. Needless to say, I cannot remember what else we did.

Our hour together flew by … it might have had to do with our usual funny conversations: pizza was mentioned … again. At one point, Chris was grabbing his butt saying something was sore … I offered to rub it down, but … no takers, although it did make us all laugh. Then we discussed harassment … We really do have a good group.

Here’s a pic of me with a bronzed cousin or something from Park City, Utah: Bear With Bear …

The Bear

Finally, I would be remiss if I did not point out that I was in the best shape ever skiing. I normally rely heavily on gravity to get me down the mountain. This time, I was certainly able to ski all day. My only sore points were the fronts of my shins, where I was leaning into my boots (what you're supposed to do). And i wasn't really tired at the end of any day. I had a great time. Who knew? So, all that time with the gang has paid off!

strength of a bear ...

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