004. Turnabout Christmas

Dec 19, 2010 01:52

[There's a thump as something is put down on top of Edgeworth's device, and the video turns on, awkwardly positioned, with a part of Edgeworth's elbow and some of his cravat visible in the corner.]

Yes, I... Quite. Happy Christmas to you, too...

[Edgeworth sits quietly and absolutely still as the man leaves the room, and there's a little bang as the door shuts behind them. For four more minutes he resumes working, pausing infrequently, before his curiosity is too much for him and he takes the box off the device, putting it down closer to him. It's long and narrow, wrapped in old brown paper with a crude tuxedo pattern drawn on it to vaguely spruce it up, complete with cravat. The design is visible as Edgeworth takes off the paper.]

There seems no harm in unwrapping it now, though I cannot imagine what possessed them to furnish me with a gift at all...

[He halts suddenly, staring down, then after a moment he draws whatever it is out of the open box, which is placed haphazardly on the table and blocks half the view.]

[Another few moments of pause - an audible one this time - and then out of the blue a few notes are played on what some may recognise as a flute, though the instrument can't be seen. Edgeworth utters a soft, almost unhappy sigh, and seconds later both notices the device and reaches for it, turning it off without a moment's thought. He'll sulk about his appearance on the network later.]

[OOC: Edgeworth's CR post is here, and late. I can only apologise for anyone who was waiting for it. Don't forget you can message me whenever over AIM or IM any time.]

!miles edgeworth

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