003; voice

Dec 03, 2010 01:01

Does anybody know what to do to keep rats away without killing them? I've found somewhere to stay, but it's quite...infested. It's hard to say if I can leave anything in the room anymore, even if I make sure nobody sees where I hide it while I'm gone.

And, well. I guess.

It's....a little bit disconcerting. I've never seen rats of this size before, and they're, well, some of them have more eyes than I've ever seen on a rat, I think. And other features, too. There's a lot of them, it's hard to keep track. At least they don't bite, which is a blessing, I suppose, but they do gather in a corner and stare at you from the dark, and that's not all that much better.

I'm sorry. I'd rather not bother you with something like this, but I really am not sure what else to do, and I'm not sure if I want to sleep in the bay more than I need to, either. Not with all those nets, and not with how strange the water feels.

[[ooc : Seth's staying at an abandoned warehouse by the sea, dodging hobos and going to hide in the bay if the going gets tough. Water breathing, the unlikeliest Fallout 3 survival technique ever. Don't ask me how he keeps that suit of his clean, though.]]

red medic, !seth

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