Illustrators, I just finished up sending you all of your assignments. Go ahead and let me know if something doesn't work for you. I'm nothing if not flexible. We can get you another assignment and switch things around.
On that note, I still have ONE MORE STORY that does not have an illustrator or a photographer. If you want to donate your time and your talent, I will not only appreciate it, I will love you forever. (Illustrators, if you want to take on an additional story, there might be cookies in it for you!)
The technical specs, as far as I know them, are as follows:
Final artwork should be saved at 300dpi, ideally in TIFF format. (I can take other formats, but ideally I want something that uses non-lossy compression, like TIFF or PNG -- preferably *not* JPEG.).
As far as height and width and anything else you can think of (can you tell I'm not an illustrator? So obvious to me!), I will get that information to you as soon as I know it.
Thank you, to everyone who has stepped up to volunteer to help
editrx and
baron_elric! It's been a wonderful experience so far, and I'm hoping for a mid-to-late January release date!