Nov 28, 2009 10:59
I realize this is kind of late in the game, but.
As I head toward the finish line of completing the Cookbook, I've found that I've got several pages that are lacking a certain something.
Therefore, I'm looking any good artists who are willing lend their expertise in creating a few still-life drawings or photographs which they would be willing to let me use in the cookbook, specifically of general ingredients such as garlic, onions, vegetables, meats - anything! These can be standing on their own, or grouped together, the choice is yours.
They can be in any medium you like - black-and-white line drawings, color photographs, whatever. The trick is - I need them SOON, preferably by December 4.
Please note that any photographs or drawings that use copyrighted material cannot be used. Also note that I don't want to use name-brand products - so don't go photographing or drawing the Kraft Mac & Cheese box, please. I'm sure your drawing of the Doctor eating pie is lovely. I'm not going to use it.
Please send all completed artwork to Put Cookbook in the subject, and please let me know what name you'd like to be used for credit.
Feel free to spread the word. Also feel free to ask questions here. Thank you!