Jul 30, 2005 23:17
I'M SORE. I hope you see the pattern here. I was busy today. I got up at 5:30 and worked at my dad's jobsite from 7-12.
Its really hard work. I never really understood how hard he works. I moved alot of wood. lots....and lots....of wood. HEAVY WOOD. My dad then proceeded to lift a 3x5 that was about 20-25 feet long...by himself...and move it into the garage of this house, before cutting it down to size. Jesse (one of his co-workers) was busy moving huge, HUGE pieces of plywood that they use for the floor. They're about 7 feet tall and 5 feet wide. I couldn't lift one. This guy was taking two at a time, across a narrow beam and up a set of stairs.
These four huge, burly carpenters were flying across beams roughly 1 or 2 inches thick. They dart around, carrying huge beams and plywood and everything on tiny little support beams, NO, STICKS. SUPPORT STICKS. They're cussin and yellin. One falls down a flight of stairs. One hits his hand with a hammer. ETC. They cuss, laugh, then get back to hauling large pieces of wood. Then, a terror that none can possibly imagine appears on the scene. My dad is on the ground cutting beams, btw. On the second floor, this demon appears. Yes, this half inch insect witha badass stinger sends this manley men scurrying around the roof, running and flailing their arms.
My dad and i laugh hystarically as one almost falls through the garage roof. It was terribly amusing. But, i also am VERY SORE.
I had to have moved over 100lbs of wood. No joke, no exaggeration. My dad even said so.
Then, as we're driving home and my limbs decide to hurt EVEN WORSE, he says "you lucked out, today was an easy day".
I got about 10 dollars an hour though ^_^