Apr 25, 2006 15:41
Holy fucking shit. My mum has just informed me that my 20 year old sister is getting married in 18 months. What the fucking shit man?! Who the fuck gets married now days? Why would you get married? I suppose I am just not a relationships person, having not held anything down that could be described as more than a fling in... wow... four fucking years. By 'fucking years' I mean there was lots of fucking in those years, as opposed to "fucking years" meaning "not so awesome years".
In other news. Tony Scott. You have done to me what Gus did with Last Days and made me hate you. Domino was officially your worst film to date. What the cunt were you thinking? It was only made bareable by the very fingerable Kiera Knightly, who is the fucking shit.
I have seen everything at the movies... apart from the obvious pieces of cunt. Best ones of recent were Match Point and Hostel (maybe the best horror film I have ever seen. Made Wolf Creek and The Hills have eyes look like Bambi).