Dec 16, 2008 01:36
Remember Animal Man? And New X-men? And that run on JLA? Remember how everyone thought Grant Morrison was some kind of alien super-genius that mortal man could scarcely imagine, much less comprehend? I have a different theory.
What if Grant Morrison were actually a giant douchebag? Not just any giant douchebag, but a giant douchbag full of suck. Suck so deep, dark, and cavernous that not even light could escape. After Batman R.I.P. and 5/7 of Final Crisis, this is my best theory. Tossing out ZOMGWEERD terms like "quantum blunderbuss" and "krona protocol" while your characters react with horror and dismay might once have been edgy and mysterious, but now it just sounds like items I have to turn in to complete a quest in Warcraft. Yawn. Move along already, dude.