Battlestar Galactica: Exodus

Jan 16, 2021 11:11

I watched both parts of this two-parter on different nights.

BSG 3.4 Exodus part 1

There were quite a few things about this ep that made me go ‘Hmm’ and think about how if they were to make another remake of this, there’s a lot they could tweak, seed better and tidy up though I appreciate the ambition. You can’t always deal with a cliffhanger by going back one hour earlier and putting helpful people with guns in place, can you?. Actually, I wonder if the scene of Kallie running while the shooting (from the Cylons) differed from the one at the end of the previous episode, (I’m too lazy to check) because my sense was that her fate was far more ambiguous then. (And she’s more expendable than Roslin. Even Verek gets that now as he tried to protect Roslin.)

Giving Three (that’s Lucy Lawless’s clone’s designation, right?) visions now, like CKR’s is all very well (even if I went ‘Whuh? Why we have gone all pretentiously arty now?’ in the moment), but it raises some questions as to what happened to the reporter on Galactica. The film got smuggled off, but it didn’t seem like she had. She hadn’t been rumbled and could have continued to be a useful asset for the Cylons, but because of the guest star situation, the narrative totally forgot about her. Had she been killed and her memories downloaded? Was this Three her resurrected? Indeed, was she the one Caprica!Six had killed, because IIRC, we saw more than one Three at the meetings at ‘Gaius’s office.’

By going back to Hera’s specialness, it made me reconsider Kaycee (who seems a little old to have been born a little after Hera?) So should we doubt that she is a Cylon-human, even though they seem to be playing it straight from CKR’s character’s reaction to Kara’s private acceptance of her, and indeed, Kaycee reaching out to the pretty lady with the long blonde hair/her mother (how did they manage that scene? Was it sweets in the actress’s hand like the kid is a dog?) We’re never getting away from the fact that Hera was conceived in far more loving circumstances (give or take Helo not knowing Sharon’s identity) and that Kara had no say in the use of her ovaries to conceive Kaycee.

I surprised myself by how upset I was that Sharon doubted Helo - he was duped just as much as she was - after learning that HERA LIVES! Roslin shared a little more of her thinking about fake-killing/sparing her, although making her the top person to save kind of makes it more likely that people will cotton on to who she is, certainly Galacticans.

Tigh found out Ellen had betrayed them - hadn’t quite got as far as realising how she betrayed him. Her fate is yet to be determined.

I didn’t comment on podgy Lee previously, and my main take is still ‘and you’d have let none of the actresses’ weight yo-yo so I don’t even know what your point is, really.’

Adama’s big speech worked despite his moustache and the fact that the pilots aside, the audience doesn’t know this crew of the Galactica and is hoping that most of our faves from down on Caprica can be brought back up and reinstated - thus, what, demoting Helo and Kat?

As Lieutenant Sharon saw how the Cylons were seen in occupied New Caprica, resurrected!Six was back (and Gaius wanted her to stay because he didn’t wasn’t to be left with his thoughts whether Six turned up in them or not. With the news about the nuclear option, he learned again that it can always get worse.)

The religious content was interesting, not so much the Galactica-Pegasus ceremony (although the choice to stay in service and the last year and four months have probably bonded them) but that a human oracle had a message for Three, and there seemed to be a blurring between God and the gods… The other new thing was that resurrecting is an increasingly painful process for the Cylons.

3.4 Exodus part 2

A lot was asked from Tigh. As I was expecting Ellen to get executed with a gunshot, I wasn’t sure about Anders’s determination to have him do the job. I really didn’t think that Ellen’s full confession was helpful to anyone but her, but her admission that she’d do anything for him was honest, and damned her even more. Death by poison like that felt more elegant and humane than the military style execution (influenced by the Cylon’s fate for the rounded-up humans that I’d imagined.)

And so the plan began. Dee gave Lee a pep talk and was appreciated for it (although I still half-expected him to ignore his dad’s orders.) Tori seemed capable, and the evacuation plans were tested as Adama and the Galactica pulled a very Kirk drop into the atmosphere, set off the Vipers and jump out of there move. I think mybe that was my favourite bit of the episode, because I am that person.

Gaeta’s face-off with Gaius was satisfying. I still think he should have been smart enough not to have believed in New Caprica, but the whole idealist thing was plausible enough, and I think I saw him on the hangar on Galactica, where Tyrrell can probably speak for him if there’s blowback from his involvement in Baltar’s administration. Anyway, he couldn’t kill Gaius, who kind of wanted him to, but was given a second chance to stop the nuke (the nuke that wasn’t there, if I understood things corctly).

I didn’t quite understand how Anders failed to investigated the sound of a crying child, however glad he was to see and rescue his unconscius wife?

Crying kiddo no. 2 was Hera, who brought back the Six we know best. Caprica!Six is not worthy of the story’s full attention apparently, which is a shame, and there’s another one I had beef with, maybe saving yourself and Gaius is a priority, but why would you leave a kid, let she’s transformed by love? Also, I wonder how they left the planet, but presumably we’ll know where they ended up. And resurrected!Sharon, for that matter/

Lieutenant Sharon was a victim of too many plotlines. Helo had more airtime than her (though Grace Park got some lines as another clone). And we saw them both hug on the Galactica (so she’s put aside her trust issues? But REALLY wouldn’t she have been trying to find Hera and involved in that plotline? If Three could go find Doc…

Lee sacrificed the Pegasus, which, let’s be real nobody cared about that much. His goodbye to the ship was about the appropriate level. Far more satisfying was seeing ‘Mama coming home’ er, Roslin retake her ship. Although all of the settlers left most of their stuff on New Caprica, and the Galactica was severely damaged, so I hope there’s some examination of the state of their resources. And among all of the hugs, Tigh is a widower now, and Kara is, as I’d half-surmised from the previous ep, childless. Also CKR’s clone, forcing someone into a situation where they tell you they love you and give you a kiss? He deserved the death by knife and a dozen jeering ‘Did you see that coming?’ from the audience. Unknown if they have the facilities for him to be resurrected - probably depends on actor availability - but if he is, I hope the character got a blinding headache. Really, Anders should have been more in Kara’s face about what on earth had happened, but the camera needed her sad and alone after losing the daughter she’d accepted. (Flippantly, wil Tighe and Kara manage to be kind to each other?)


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tv pre-2021, battlestar galactica

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