
Jan 11, 2021 20:27

I posted a ficlet
And after, and after (Scorpion. Teen. Paige Dineen/Walter O’Brien
Summary: The rest of the mayonnaise date. Gratuitous 4.4 ‘Nuke Kids on the Block’ coda. 720 words.) I’d written the first draft the day after watching the episode in question. I rewatched the final scene of the episode before redrafting/editing it. (I have written season 3 inspired fic, but they’re in various stages of needing work/polish/me to officially give up on them.) I think it weaves recurring motifs of mine with stuff from the episode.

I’ve also started rewatching The West Wing (I felt it was time.) A few thoughts from ep 1:I know it was the pilot, but it feels like they were out of the West Wing more than I remember, although some of that is that the memory of the show has got fossilised in my mind as walking and talking through corridors in the White House. Obviously, DIFFERENT TIMES, and I’m not just speaking of the prominence of the pager to the plot.

The boys, Sam, Toby and Josh, do give off a whiff of self-important self-righteousness, although Sam and Josh seem young to me now. Most of the players are male and their assistants female. On that, Sorkin planted stuff he wasn’t fully intending, didn’t he, from how authoritative and sceen-grabbing Sheen as Bartlett is, meaning they had to give him a bigger role on the show to the Donna/Josh.

Mixed feelings about the music: it’s so iconic, yet oddly jaunty. I suppose it’s aiming for a touch of military bands (but I heard a touch of Murder She Wrote as the episode closed.)

I don't know how many episodes I'll watch when, but I'm bound to settle into some sort of routine. (I watched them all bar the post September the 11th one the first time around.)

I said I wasn’t going to talk about The Masked Singer, but a couple of things: the last episode made me less certain of all my guesses so far and the studio audienceseems to have it in for professional lady singers. Grr.

This entry was originally posted at https://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/450643.html.

uk, tv in 2021, scorpion, watching, dvds, writing, the west wing, tv pre-2021, writing meta, self-promoting links

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