B99 and a meme

Apr 11, 2020 13:39

I meant to post yesterday, but sorting out stuff led to the figurative can of worms of needing to sort out another thing entirely. Oh well, I have two tidy piles of paper and I know what I’ll mostly be doing this afternoon. I also have to catch up on the Noughts + Crosses finale.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine 7.2 Captain Kim

Three big laughs: Holt’s slam about needing a seventeenth-century wood cutting of Wench - he hates her so; the return of Charles (to my shame); and Amy’s ‘You what?’ response to the news that Jake had to pay so much damage to Captain Kim. She was way too perfect, but Jake and Holt were way too far out of line to support them, so it was more about Charles and his magic jacket and Hitchcock and Scully and their magic chairs. Serve Jake right how awful the next captain will be,

All4 tried to get me to watch The Jimmy Jab Games II (exciting), before I’d seen the next ep.

7.3 Pimmento

More laughs in this one. In fact, there were so many that I don’t remember them all, (which is fitting given Pimmento’s memory lapses, although the punchline of the opener was one, for example.) In general, it was one-liners delivered with great timing all round. Better not ponder too much about Jake and Charles getting out of the ‘mandatory’ seminar, but they worked out their conflict well enough.

Holt has become the snarky voice from the corner in his demotion, which is an amusing turn. I feel Jake’s movie cred pain, although the Harry Potter referencing was inexcusable. They chose not to have any Rosa-Pimmento interaction, which was a choice, given their history.

Either/or Trope Meme Via

Slow burn OR love at first sight: I love slow burn fics. I prefer this trope in most circumstances because I get involved in the relationship as it builds up. I’ve spend the past few weeks reading a multichapter fic about an uncanonical ship that is doing all this work and it is sweet.

Fake dating OR secret dating: Mostly the first because the forced intimacy and real feelings blurring with the fake situation are great, though I do love secret dating after there’s been a slow build-up of UST and there are hi-jinx and making out before the relationship is normalised. But more in canon than fic.

Enemies to lovers OR best friends to lovers: I rarely feel the foe!yay. The differing values usually get in the way. A shared basis of like and respect and that developing into more is much more my style.

Oh no there's only one bed OR long distance with correspondence: I like epistolary fiction, and would welcome more, but there’s no contest, really.

Fantasy au OR modern au: Can’t choose, because it mostly depends on the fandom. Historical canon turned modern is interesting, turning mundane characters into elve, dragon hunters or whatever is also interesting. I’d say I’m pro AUs and space AU is my favourite.

Smut OR fluff: But in both cases, preferably well done. And badly done fluffy smut is just offputting.

Mutual pining OR domestic bliss: The first, slightly (although I’m fine with one-sided pinning and obliviousness too) because there’s more tension, but I’ll take quite a lot of domestic bliss.

Alternate universe OR future fic: See above, though it depends on the fandom and how canonical the ship is or the state of the relationship.

One shot OR multi-chapter: Pre the current sitch, one-shots were easier for me, but I’m currently angled towards multi-chapter slow-burners. It both depends on how much time I have as a reader, and on what the story needs. (I’m more wary of several multi-chapter fics in a universe the fic writer has come up with, because even with the best writers, there’s a danger of self-indulgence, though there are exceptions.)

Kid fic OR road trip fic: I suppose. I’ve come across less road trip fic. If it was a slow burner.. but for most fandoms, kid fic shows characters in a different light.

Reincarnation OR character death: I find a lot of canons overdo reincarnation to the point where character death just elicits a weary ‘And have you seen the body?’ and cynicism about the death sticking. I’m not going to rush to read fic about it, nor character death, particularly, but I can take character death and angst in fic - depending on my mood! - because there will be other fic where the characters are still alive, so there’s hope however mch the fic delves into the grief and sadness.

Arranged marriage OR accidental marriage: Though I’ll read woke-up-married-in-Vegas fic with glee, I like the development of the relationship when there’s an arranged marriage, even more if both people are going into it in good faith.

Time travel OR isolated together: I’m glad to see time travel in canon, but in fic it’s forced intimacy all the way, even if we’re living through times that make it too real

Neighbors OR roommates: I had to go for this as one of my ships was the ‘Roomies’, although the pedant in me prefers the term ‘flatmates’.

Sci-fi au OR magic au: Sci-fi AU is more likely to be space AU, right?

Bodyswap OR genderbend: Neither? Bodyswap can be interesting in canon, I’m slightly more interested in genderbend in fic, but apart from one fandom and for a brief period, I haven’t sought it out, really. I imagine I’d read them by an author I thought good.

Angst OR crack: In a certain mood, I would avoid angst and run to crack, but there’s less of it in the fandoms/ships I read, and I think satisfying angst is easier to write than laugh out loud comedy.

Apocalyptic OR mundane: See my tendency towards fluff. I’ll read apocalyptic or adjacent fic every now and then, but I’m not automatically excited about it. The small gestures and intimacies of normal life interest me, especially in fics where the canon is the whizz-bang fantastical type.

This entry was originally posted at https://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/421082.html.

brooklyn nine-nine, meme, tv in 2020, comings-and-goings, reading

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