How little time was spent in Belgravia this episode?

Apr 06, 2020 20:45

Belgravia - episode 4

Everyone was obsessed with Charles Pope to some degree, or obsessed with why everyone else was obsessed with him, apart from Pope himself.

We learned how hard Lady Maria Grey’s mother was - Tara Fitzgerald’s rasp coming into great play.

At the office, when both natural grandmothers picked up on how Maria and Charles were into the same things/each other, it felt more maternal than grandmaternal, given Tamsin Grieg’s age.

I’d feel sorry for Oliver, but he’s basically an overgrown teenager, and his parents have reaped what they’ve sown by not teaching him hard work and always preferring Sophia. Also, HE’s infertile; his wife isn’t, which was almost reassuringly predictable. Mrs Oliver, being blithely optimistic isn’t going to make the baby go away when you and your husband clearly aren’t doing it.

What a charming father the baby will have. Robbing his mother to bribe servants to break the law to blackmail his aunt, and I can’t see him being unselfish enough to really want to rescue his father. He’s been fairly dispassionate and clear eyed about him. I guess by now it’s curiosity. It was notable how not jealous of Maria being at the office he was. In fact, if she’d heard it, he was offering her a carte-blanche. (Although when it’s difficult to like anyone except Anne, we might as well have someone boo-hissable.)

Stephen reading out that sermon was a study in hypocrisy for us all (although the Polish lender seemed to have a modern view of what was going on) and it was a relief when brother Peregrine called it out as balderdash coming from Stephen.

I can’t believe Anne never followed up the business of the fan with Ellis. Another example of clumsy writing, probably because Fellowes was too wedded to the idea of Ellis being motivated to do worse by the misunderstanding of the overheard conversation. Though she is the one talking insurrection. Still, I was amused that the country bumpkin second footman’s zeal wouldn’t make him cheek The Butler.

Given that he went to Rugby and Oxford, Pope should have a better grasp of the difficult position Maria is in/has put herself in. I wonder if she is up to causing a scene at the wedding if it comes to that. She clearly wants Adventure.

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uk, tv in 2020

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