In which there were faces we hadn't seen before this season

Jun 27, 2019 18:27

Gotham 5.4 Ruin

Started off with much violence against women in the ‘previously’ bit - Tabitha getting killed, Selina getting shot. We ended on the Boom! of the explosion and the episode immediately followed Penguin, Babs (who couldn’t quite make herself shoot Penguin in the back) and Jim in the aftermath. He later gave a speech in the GCPD to reassure the people who reasonably worried about staying there, and I too thought ‘It’s due to be attacked.’

Blah blah Jim wants justice because the people want it. But fast. But he clearly wasn’t thinking straight about who would have the means to carry the attack out. Like Babs said, it was overkill for her to try to kill Penguin that way, and she and Penguin seemed genuinely shaken by the atrocity (the cute kid Jim had marked for death/given his badge to being the face of hundreds). She more or less asked what kind of a psychopath killer he took her for.

Bruce had to deal with armed henchmen while handcuffed until Alfred came to rescue him and told him off for thinking he could save Selina, although he yielded to Bruce and went off to…save Madam Selina. Heh.

Ed woke up (in his well-appointed pad) and found his nocturnal self had left him clues that led him to the GCPD. SEE! Said it wasn’t safe. Killers just walk right in, so Lucius’s claim that it was B&E was arrant nonsense. But Lucius is smart enough to know what he doesn’t know, and blackmailed Ed into echoing Oswald and helping his investigation. How Oswald would hate being the same as Ed and vice-versa.

But Oswald was busy assuming Zsasz (hi, darling. I thought your plan of shooting and shooting was stupid, but you did it with aplomb) was the bomber. Jim dimly grasped that being a sniper doesn’t make you a bomber, and that Penguin had beef with Zsasz (who had good reason for dumping Penguin, IIRC. Also, what happened to Sofia anyway, seeing as they mentioned her? It was a reminder that Lucius oughtn’t to make a big deal of having thought Ed was dead. The show is keeping schtum on what happened to him between being dead and now.)

Selina got a glimpse of Jeremiah. FINALLY. He was working with those Dickensian child-enslaving diggers and looking quite snazzy. We got a glimpse of Harley/Joker tripping the light exposition. Selina, bless, thought a hard hat that did nothing to disguise her curls was a great disguise.

Callback to season 1 Ed as he worked the crime scene with Lucius. Who broke the (unsurprising) news that it wasn’t Zsasz but it was whoever had the RPG to Jim. Jim did not ask ‘who’s “we”?’ even though he just ordered Lucius to work the evidence, because they have no men (only loads of extras).

Penguin promised summary justice. Victor snarked, and who can blame him, really?

Even Ed thought whoever had blown the building up had gone a bit far. He had a tantrum that the person in the file was dead (just like you, sunshine, so maybe not…) but, still feeling the mantle of his old job, noticed that there might be a witness.

Jim flirted with mob rule for five seconds, then tried to appeal to the crowd’s better nature. Silly boy. It says everything about Gotham that there was a guillotine handy. I am sure Zsasz was eyerolling at his speech too, but the director failed to cut to him. Apart from the whole not guilty thing, I am opposed to killing Zsasz because of entertainment value.

So, I should be happy Jim saved him…to have the moment of the episode where the show goes all Western. This seems to be a fifth season thing. Harvey rightly scolded Jim for that, and Zsasz walked away.

Selina dressing up as Harley to get at Jeremiah was much, much better on the disguise front. Sadly, for all the stabbity stab, I don’t think it’ll stick. Bruce was concerned about her soul, as one person who used to be set on revenge to another.

Ed found the witness, and just as I was cheering her for knocking his head with a vase, it resurrected his memories, confirming what she was saying, i.e. that he, dressed as the Riddler, had shot at the building (hoping to get at Penguin??) Eddler defenestrated her, leaving many questions: why is he doing what he’s doing? How did he get the weaponry? Why did the flashback run like a VHS tape? Is he an android now? What did Hugo Strange do to him? And, more importantly, Lee?

A heavy-drinking Jim was in no mood to josh about electricity with Barbara or jump as she tossed another clue at him. I eye-rolled so hard at the kiss, though. It’s one of the eleventy-one billion reminders that this show is mainly about the male gaze.

I've watched other stuff since catching up on that, but need to get my thoughts in order.

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batverse, tv in 2019, gotham

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