A nearly timely meme

Jun 26, 2019 07:06

Via thesmallhobbit:

How many works do you currently have on AO3?

Which ratings?
General: 157
Teen: 30
Mature: 5
(Left to my own devices, I differentiate ‘General’ into 'Universal/PG'.)

Which archive warnings?
None apply: 172
Choose not to use: 17
Underage: 2
Major character death: 1
(The underage tag was for The OC’s Julie/Luke fic. Spoiler: 'Choose not to use' probably means someone dies.)

Do you consider yourself an adventurous writer?
(No. Although I’ll write in any fandom that takes my fancy/inspires me. There are around 40 fics that are my sole ventures into one fandom.)

Which pairing categories do you use most?
F/M: 136
Gen: 73
Multi: 7
Other: 1

Is this more accidental, or do you have preferences?
I don’t understand this question. It’s fairly obviously a preference if a third of my fics are gen and two thirds het.

What are your top 4 fandoms by number?
Dark Angel (TV) (35)
Sky High (2005) (19)
Gotham (TV) (17)
Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling (16)
(Dark Angel and Sky High would be higher if I’d reposted all of my fic to AO3)

Are you still active in them or do you tend to migrate a lot?
I’m not active in Dark Angel, but I am in the other three, and for me Gotham is still a live canon, although the last season isn’t inspiring me as much as season 4, possibly because I’m playing catch-up. I do migrate a lot, but I also don’t let go. Dark Angel, my first writing fandom, is an exception.

Top 4 relationship tags?
Max Guevara | X5-452/Alec McDowell | X5-494 (20)
Warren Peace/Layla Williams (13)
Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne (11)
Logan Cale | Eyes Only/Max Guevara | X5-452 (6)

Does this match how you feel about the characters, or are you puzzled?
The first three make total sense, as they’re my ships from these fandoms. Logan/Max is funny to me, so high because it was canonical, and mainly written in an unhappy vein or to break them up. I suppose it would be better if the fourth highest ship were a ship I was rooting for.

Like any AO3-related meme, this makes me think I should repost more old fic. It also reminded me there’s an A03 meme about story length and reader response I did at the end of last July that I want to repeat to see what’s changed.

This entry was originally posted at https://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/388178.html.

batverse, dark angel, gotham, writing, sky high, meme, shipping, meta, writing meta

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