Two ficlets (MCU/AOS, HP)

Feb 04, 2018 08:44

A Perfect Cup of Tea, Marvel Cinematic Universe/Agents of SHIELD, Peggy Carter, Jemma Simmons. 90 words.
Written for the prompt ‘MCU, how someone from the movies (not Coulson) first meets Fitz or Simmons or Melinda’ at comment-fic.

A Perfect Cup of Tea: shallowness

Peggy doesn't often go out, but an invite to speak at the SHIELD academy is a privilege. Afterwards, she's poured a perfect cup of tea by an English girl who looks like a child. It probably means she's a genius. Peggy asks for her name, hoping it will stick.

"J-Jemma Simmons," the girl says, and then proceeds to ask a flood of questions about the tech Peggy used, and what it felt like to be an agent, there in the midst of everything. Smiling, Peggy tells her to sit down.

The Way to a Witch’s Heart, HP. Ginny/Neville ER, set after DH, but ignoring the epilogue. 169 words.
Summary: The way to a witch’s heart is not that different from the way to a man’s heart.

The Way to a Witch's Heart: shallowness

Ginny is exhausted, starving and vowing never to help out George and his stupid wizarding wheezes ever again, whatever emotional blackmail her mother tries on, when Neville knocks at the door and calls out.

“It’s me.” If it had been George, she might have reached for her wand and Things Might Occur, even if the back room of the shop is his property. But it’s her lovely and unexpected boyfriend.

“Come in,” she responds, knowing she looks a fright.

“If the witch won’t come to her supper, her supper had better come to her,” he says mildly.

She looks at him as if he’s a cool drink of water in a desert, a life raft in choppy seas, or a boyfriend with excellent timing and a picnic basket from which she can smell a tantalising aroma. Then she grins.

“Just give me two minutes to get out of this Pygmy Puff costume, tell that brother of mine I’m off and then I’m all yours.”

It’s Neville’s turn to grin.

This entry was originally posted at

heroines, uk, fanfiction, crossover fic, tv, films, aoje crackfic, writing, marvel cinematic universe, agents of shield, harry potter, books, hp hetfic

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