Recspost (3/3)

Oct 30, 2016 15:18

Because I just couldn't face doing any more yesterday. Fanfiction and fanvids in the following fandoms: Pacific Rim, Veronica Mars and Zootropolis (AKA Zootopia).

Pacific Rim

Level Up: starlightandstatic
Mako-centric vid, but it's about Mako/Raleigh, Stacker, the other pilots and the Jaegers. It's about heroism with heart, and I love the focus on Mako and the choices about when to broaden it out.

Built, Broken, Rebuilt: songandsilence Raleigh/Mako M
Really gorgeous. I loved the sense of place, the sensuality, how it examines the impact of the Drift and the need for both Raleigh and Mako to heal.

light: songandsilence Raleigh/Mako, ER, kidfic
This fic left me beaming. Really good on how they both have normal, understandable fears about becoming parents, while their lives are and have been so extraordinary.

Veronica Mars

to the corner of first and amistad: youcallitwinter Logan/Veronica, R post-movie
Vivid and real and gripping as they grapple with what comes after.

Zootropolis (AKA Zootopia)

It'll Be Fine: jingle Judy/Nick, ER
This charming fic has the couple at the 'meet the parents' stage and Nick is worried.

You Know What They Say About Foxes (They’ll Break Your Heart): ozymandias314 M, Judy/Nick, long
In which Judy is an idiot who keeps thinking that she can’t be in love with the best friend she’s been ‘accidentally’ having sex with, because he’s a fox. (Bring your own metaphor.) But it’s witty and emotionally resonant, and I could have quoted a dozen lines.

If you click through and enjoy the fanworks, please let their makers know.

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tv, fanvid recs, links, themed links, films, recs, veronica mars, supernatural, fanfiction recs

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