Recspost (2/3)

Oct 29, 2016 09:28

Fanfiction and fanvids in the following fandoms: The Good Wife; Harry Potter; The Hunger Games; Inception; Inside Out; Jupiter Ascending; Lord of the Rings; The Martian; Marvel Cinematic Universe (various, including Agents of SHIELD and a Burn Notice crossover).

The Good Wife

Let Me Be the One You Rearrange: lowriseflare Will/Alicia, teen, pre-series (Georgetown!)
Very believable backstory because of the use of details, but mainly because of how it captures younger versions of the characters and how Alicia bowls Will over and how he doesn't know what to do with it.

Harry Potter

Defence against the Dark: Raven (singlecrow) Tonks/Remus AU
I really liked the transposition to a non-magical universe, the mood created between the characters and the back-and-forth of the dialogue.

untitled: nagi_schwartz
Brilliant fill for my prompt Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown, that's what friends are for at comment-fic

The Hunger Games

In the 99: cosmic_llin
Powerful vid, telling the story of Effie of the Capitol in conjunction with the story of Katniss of District 12, and the friendship between them. (I experienced technical difficulties in watching it on the first couple of tries but it might well have been issues at my end).


Touch: whenitsquiet R (if that) Ariadne/Arthur, Mal
A fresh (to me) but plausible set-up, and I love how Arthur and Ariadne's love is written in these circumstances.

Inside Out

C'Mon: rhoboat
Gorgeous vid, emotionally speaking too, with a great song choice and sense of story.

Jupiter Ascending

Smile: iluvdanimal Caine/Jupiter, Caine & Jupiter's family
Really enjoyable fic about how Caine meets Jupiter's loving, chaotic family, that weaves in his issues and abilities well.

Lord of the Rings

In Passing: Altariel (Faramir-centric, post books)
An old man teaches a young boy how to play chess. Gorgeous and rich.

The Martian

Bless those Tired Eyes: thenewradical (Johanssen/Beck, teen)
The summary is:
Johanssen suggests that Beck sleep in her bunk since it's closest to the med bay and Watney.
This goes exactly as well as you would expect. What ensues is charming, geeks-in-love who are part of a small crew gradual progression.

Of A Star: rubyneye Beth/Chris, longish, teen, 5+1 ‘moments’ fic
Lovely fic, the 'moments' are well-chosen and I love Beth's agency throughout.

Match point: sevenfoxes M Beth/Chris longish
Following Johanssen and Beck from crew selection to beyond the movie, it’s got slow burn and interested observers as their attempt to be professional (in extreme circumstances) battles their feelings.


The Dread of Touching:zauberer-sirin (movie level hurt and comfort)
I love how this author writes Natasha/Bruce and this vignette is subtly and beautifully done.

Agents of Shield

Stick the Landing: Lokei ensemble, gen
Atmospheric piece about the team members' reactions to what happened in 1.06. (It's not the writer's fault that certain things about Ward and Coulson were jossed.)

yet turning stay: irnan Pepper-centric, Pepper/Tony, spoilers up to Avengers
Lovely fic that gives Pepper's background due regard and accretes the details of why she loves and needs Tony well.

First Comes a Phone Call: fresh_brainss Pepper/Tony, spoilers for Captain America: Civil War. Gorgeous, hopeful ficlet written for my prompt.

The Reconstruction of the Mind: Niobium Jane-centric (background Jane/Thor) post The Dark World, longish.
Such an interesting story about Jane's life and drive in the context of an interest in the women scientists of antiquity. Minor quibble in that I felt it ended a little abruptly.

Half-Sick of Shadows (the Finding a Way Out remix): tielan (I'd say about teen), Maria/Steve
This Bourne Identity fusion does a really great job of putting the Marvel characters in that setting and leaves a vivid impression.

four times somebody trusted Natasha Romanoff (and one time Natasha trusted somebody): zauberer_sirin (post Avengers Assemble, Natasha-centric, pre Natasha/Bruce)
Great character/interaction study of the making of and growth of Natasha Romanoff.

Avengers/Burn Notice crossover
Fishing Job: amcw177 Gen
This is as fun as a fic about Coulson trying to recruit Michael Westen should be!

If you enjoyed any of these fics or videos, let their makers know.

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tv, links, films, jupiter ascending, harry potter, burn notice, uk, the good wife, spy movies, fanvid recs, themed links, crossover recs, marvel cinematic universe, agents of shield, recs, books, fanfiction recs, lotr

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