Nashville 3.21 Is The Better Part Over?

Oct 29, 2015 08:25

Alas, poor manager, now you’re learning that Avery was a very important third leg of the exes. (Yes, I am too lazy to check if he’s Noah or Noel or how they’re spelling the band name.)

I chortled at Gunnar sucking up to Rayna, after he stood her up before. As ever, I clutch at the comedy strand when we have all the angst.

My pet theory was that Beverlea totally tipped the press off (for money). But it looks like she didn’t.

No daughters, which led to a nice moment when Rayna walked into an empy home at the end of her tether.

Hot Doctor and Tiny Kiley = oil on Scarlett and Gunnar’s troubled water. I loved Avery’s analysis of them, and the performance, of course.


Fine, the Rayna/Deacon breakdown got through to me. And then the show was more blatant than it’s been in a while about Scarlett and Gunnar being them all over again. Scarlett being blithely ‘oh I just sometimes hate him but you have nothing to worry about, Caleb’ and Gunnar being ‘oh she just hates you for my sake’ and ignoring the lyrics of the duet was proof that they have little self-awareness. Well, let’s just say Scarlett was pouring all of hers on not wanting to let Rayna down again, which was fair enough.

The glimpse of Will the abandoned son was touching, but his coping mechanisms are, as ever, not good. Harvard continues to sigh a big sigh of relief that Layla isn’t coming anywhere near it. Jeff moves away from the humanisation process to become a Svengali who has forgotten that he isn’t in charge of a label. I mean, this is about control, even if it’s also a little about his feelings of rejection by Jade, as Layla believes. But Beverlea is the one who needs psychiatric counselling. Along with Juliette - lovely little moment when Avery realised she’d lied to him and she knew it.

One more to go - it feels like they’ve got a lot to cram into it.

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