Tuesday night catch-up

Apr 22, 2015 07:16

The Mentalist 7.10 Nothing Gold Can Stay

Whimper. I was spoiled for character death by the episode summary (no thanks for that Demand 5) on the webpage, but I was rather hoping it was a ‘death’ as part of a Jane plan, because this final season has been my happy place. And Vega, with her perky rookie enthusiasm and desire to please, not to mention the cuteness of Wylie/Vega, was a part of that.

Last in last out, though. And ugh, I can even see the story motivation (although it is a bit fridging) just as she’d agreed to go out with Wylie (although I was wondering if she’d really grasped that dinner meant dinner DATE), so his heart is broken; just as Cho was taking charge, so he feels horrible and responsible, and will always remember watching the blood pour out of her as she lay in his arms; and while working, so Jane can imagine ‘what if?’ about Lisbon to the ends of his imagination. Abbott and Lisbon got slo-mo silent upset, too - they could have developed Lisbon-Vega a lot more, in hindsight.

WAAAAAH. Over some random armed robbery, though.

Most of the rest of the episode was, appropriately, in blues and greys especially in the office. Aww, poor Wylie. Lisbon’s hug was something, if inadequate, for his pain. I think Cho could have done with one. I knew telling Vega’s family would be horrible because her father was so recently deceased. But to see Cho break down - we haven't often seen him this emotional in all the years I've watched the show.

So, obviously the team didn’t want to let the case go - even though the healthy thing would be to step back. (Oh, going back to the beginning, we had a rarity in a competent defence lawyer i.e. one who could talk and say ‘my client’s not answering that’).

I thought we’d have more inter-acency tension, but they went for the internal tensions, which was a more interesting choice. Cue Cho, in particular, wanting to go in, all guns blazing, and Abbot, who seemed more calm, willing to listen to him. Meanwhile, of course, Jane’s motivation was to protect Lisbon, although his analysis of how to bring down the baddies might not be wrong. However, of course, they’re all more invested than they’d normally be.

And watching a terrified Jane (arrogantly) go in and do his thing, really putting himself in danger, was quite powerful and frightening. As was watching Cho take Vega’s killer down.

Cue the funeral (oh Wylie, I’m glad Abbott recognised your grief for what might have been), and the inevitable Lisbon-Jane conversation, where he was frightened and selfish. I don’t think he could take in what she was saying about her watching him put himself in danger, actually. But mainly she was saying the same thing as usual, because for her her job where there are these trains is such a part of her life. And so he’s going, creating an ultimatum - and, of course, making the grand gesture. Um... I'd like to see them do more than have her missing Jane be part of her decision. After everything, I'd like a HEA for them.

I wish they hadn’t had to kill Vega off to get Jane and Lisbon here, but I thought they did a pretty good job of it. Lisbon’s reading of the dynamics between the robbers was more of the ‘all she’s learned from Jane’.

And then I might have written fic in response to all that, which I haven't looked at in the cold light of day yet.

I was so glad I'd decided to watch the shows in this order, all things considered.

B99 2.13 Payback

So, I needed this to be funny and there was plenty of snickering ‘it works for a boy or a girl’! I also thought there were a few scenes (usually involving Jake, Charlse and Terry) where the actors were close to laughing.

Eyeball sweat!

There were a few jokes that didn’t land for me, too tasteless, but overall, yeah.

2.14 Defense Rests

This man wanted to be a ‘godfather’ and he can’t even maintain a healthy adult relationship with a girlfriend...oh Jake. I did call Sophia being too good for him or not wanting what he had to offer. Again, I was amused by all the strands.

This entry was originally posted at http://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/168854.html.

brooklyn nine-nine, the mentalist, tv

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