10 fanvid and fanfiction recs in the following fandoms: Pacific Rim; Parks and Recreation; Person of Interest; Sherlock; Smallville; Speed; Ugly Betty and The West Wing.
Pacific Rim
Wings of Icarus: dragonchic
SUCH an exhilarating action vid. It makes me wish I was more of a pumping-my-fist-in-the-air type of person, because that's the appropriate response.
Parks and Recreation
A Beautiful Mess: cypanache Long Leslie/Ben, AU after the Harvest festival
Where would Leslie and Ben be without modern telecommunications in this story? They’re adorable idiots here, after he leaves Pawnee without saying anything. (This fic could have done with another read-through or a beta read.)
Person of Interest
Skeleton Key: isgael
Brilliant Root character study that gets at her complexities. (Spoilers up to the season 2 finale).
The Deaf and the Blind and the Color Red: solshine
Long post 2.03 Molly/Sherlock (it’s rated G, but I’d say it’s closer to teen, with canon levels of dealing with the repercussions of violence).
Tremendous story, judiciously told, in which Molly becomes Sherlock’s lifeline and he notices that there is more to her than he thought. (It did need a Britpicking, though.)
The Woman that Counted: Nyah86Productions
(spoilers for 2.03)
I really like this distillation of Molly counting for Sherlock (my only quibble was that I'd have liked to see something about Moriarty there too, because his discounting of Molly is a crucial part of this.)
through the alley, left then right (The Metempsychosis Remix): medie
Molly/Sherlock, post 2.03 teen, quite long
My favourite kind of Molly story, where she takes charge of her own life. Granted, there’s chaos, because there’s also Sherlock in it, but I enjoyed going on the journey with her.
Volcano: jwynn
Chloe-Lex interaction (with Chloe/Lex undertones) set between S2's 'Vortex' and 'Heat'.
Characterful, so you get the two sharp minds meeting, but the writer never forgets all of who they are.
Walk the wire: anr (Annie/Jack, post-film)
Fabulously expresses how Annie takes step by shaky step forward and draws the relationship between her and Jack beautifully.
Ugly Betty
God Put a Smile on your Face: obsessive24 (Daniel/Betty, spoilers for everything)
A spectacularly accomplished vid (which is a rarity for this fandom, I've found) that gave me many delighted smiles and good memories.
The West Wing
Coffee: krabapple (Donna/Josh, spoilers through till King Corn)
Lovely. This is set when they're both on separate campaign trails.
But Josh Lyman still had it in him to surprise her
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