Recs (1/2)

Dec 23, 2014 09:16

Yes, it's a terrible time to post this now with everyone gearing up for Yuletide and Christmas holidays, plus it's four months since I last did a recs post, so no wonder there are too many for me to post in one go, but here are 20 fanfiction and fanvid recs in the following fandoms: Alice (SyFy); Avengers; The Bourne Legacy; Brooklyn Nine-Nine; Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Community; The Good Wife; Harry Potter; The Hobbit - The Desolation of Smaug; The Hour; The Hunger Games; Into the Storm (2014); Man of Steel; Mr and Mrs Smith; The Night Circus and Orphan Black.

Alice (SyFy)

The Wind and the Rain: Random Battlecry (canon-compliant gen ficlet)

How Charlie raises his army. (Some issues with the tenses.)


Fifteen Short Stories About Teamwork: BlackEyedGirl (Gen, ensemble, teen, quite long)

Such a satisfying story. Among many things, I particularly liked the time and space given to Clint's likely issues after the movie,

it’s nice to be reassured that when it comes right down to it, SHIELD are going to choose the asset over his perceived psychological well-being.

Before the storm, there is peace: scifigirl47 (teen for language)

Dialogue-heavy fic about Clint and Natasha facing another fight that may cost them their lives. I really like how it reveals so much of what they are to each other. Some gorgeous writing.

The Bourne Legacy

Thirteen: phrentis

Bravura job on a deceptively simple structure: all the times Marta examined Aaron as part of the program from his perspective.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

To face unafraid the plans that we made: Satellite (brella) Jake/Amy, ensemble, Christmas fic

I laughed a lot (especially at Scully and Hitchcock) as the precinct celebrates Christmas and Jake and Amy flirt in their own special way.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Who Loves the Sun: glossololia Cordy-Oz interaction post Lover’s Walk.

I love the character details, from Cordy’s mental reference points to little revelations about how she sees the people in her life, as this fic gives Cordy and Oz’s pain the time and attention it deserved. There’s a lovely tenderness to this.

Wrecking Ball: Afterthebattle (teen)

Powerfully effective vidlet about Buffy/Angel (and a reminder that SMG could let Buffy's heart show in her eyes).


Sex and reruns: trelkez (Ensemble, overview, seasons 1 and 2)

Bask in this lovely vid about the support the study group offer and find in each other (also a good vid to watch if you want to find out what the fuss about this show is).

Everything is Wrong: laurashapiro (spoilers up to season 3)

This vid captures Britta and her fails, especially her well-meaning fails, so well, and I adored how it placed her in the concept of the one study group that would get her. It left me wanting her to have or give all the hugs.

The Good Wife

Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow: empressearwig (Will/Alicia)

This ficlet about how Will and Alicia could have met captures them perfectly.

Harry Potter

Busman's holiday: lily-tarn Ron/Hermione, long, set after Book 7, but written before DH and thus jossed.

There's a lovely warmth to this fic about family life, growing up and finding your way to the friend you've fallen in love with.

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

DEMONS: TatyanaOracle

Here, have a look at this vidlet if you liked Bard as much as I did in the film.

The Hour

rendering death and forever: irishmizzy (Bel/Freddie in the aftermath of the series 2 finale)

It felt as though a lot of care and thought went into this, in a good way, because Bel and Freddie's characterisations and reactions rang so true.

The Hunger Games

Boy With the Bubble Gum: bironic (see warnings)

This thought-provoking and gripping vid draws out Katniss's conflict with the Capitol in the first film, and the lyric foregrounds gender fascinatingly.

Into the Storm

Anchor: reveilles (post-movie, Allison/Gary)

A really nice tone that respected what going through a natural disaster and its aftermath would mean and developed the characters believably (apart from a minor quibble I had about the time).

Man of Steel (2012)

Intentional Accidents (The Newsroom Remix): hbthomas Clark/Lois ficlet

Really charming ficlet about Clark being Clark (loving Lois and being Superman).

Mr and Mrs Smith

A Little Less Conversation: ChristyCorr Jane/John, post movie, long, teen.

This is a great continuation - things weren't as resolved as you might think at the end of the movie - and the characters are spot-on.

You're actually married," he said, "You're actually, honest-to-God, white-picket-fence, argue-about-the-toilet-seat married."

Jane raised an eyebrow. "Yes."

"We're not big on the picket fence thing, though," John said, making a face.

The Night Circus

Sugar stains and a hangnail moon: CupcakeGoth

Delicious and atmospheric, as fic set in this world should be.

Orphan Black

Rootless: gigglemonster (canon-typical violence and bloodshed)

This vid is such a good overview of season 1. SESTRAS.

Purity and Grace: in48frames (gen, post 2.04)

This two-parter encapsulated the complex mix of feelings Helena brings out in Sarah.

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crossposted, tv, links, films, buffyverse, harry potter, brooklyn nine-nine, uk, the good wife, orphan black, the hour, spy movies, fanvid recs, themed links, marvel cinematic universe, recs, community: the tv series, books, fanfiction recs, lotr, an alice in a wonderland

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