I watched this a few hours before it became unavailable on Demand five (I’m still behind on the other episodes).
I was a bit dubious about Abbot, who’d brokered the deal with Jane after all, not being arrested. So, it was a relief of sorts to find ot it was a con/sting/chance to rehash Jane’s business with Red John. And an excuse to make Lisbon be angry with Jane, who might be willing to bring her a coffee, but won’t give her a good reason to stay (called by Abbot.)
Meanwhile, last week’s case continued, with Cho continuing to promise a lot to Daniela.
The prosecutor really should have read up the last time Jane was tried for murder. I don’t think she did, from her surprise at Jane playing the jury and taking charge. Too busy bineing paid to do evil.
Abbott the big ole’ Jane/Lisbon shipper surprised me, until I realised he probably sees that losing Lisbon would be a destabilising influence on his case closer, while both of them aren’t sure of their, well, his feelings. Is Jane’s con that he doesn’t/can’t care for her like that for her benefit or his?
Anyway, of course they went for the priciest thing on the FBI menu.
And of course Wylie needed to be taught not to do things the federal way to follow the Jane method. (I don’t know what the fannish reaction has been like to him, but I like him. He has the puppyish thing Rigsby sometimes had, Van Pelt’s naivete mixed with skillz of his own. I was just really pleased Cho took him along to the suppliers.)
Too late for Abbot’s little warning to Cho, I fear.
I’m pretty sure Casablanca’s Elsa didn’t get to pick between two men. Rick picked for her, didn’t he? While Lisbon’s boyfriend is lovely and understanding and thus quite a good fit for Paul, Jane as Rick is pushing it a wee bit for me.
Not just sex trafficking, but organ trafficking too? Yuk.
I both wanted to applaud Jane for sticking to letting Lisbon make the choice - I think he was honest about wanting her to be happy. (Or was he? No, he seemed to be opening up.) I bet she wants to shake him for not giving her more of a reason to stay, but I suppose he feels that he can’t and that he isn’t ready.
I understand that this and the remaining episodes were written without certainty that the show would get renewed (although it has). So, what’s going on here isn’t happening as organically as all that. It means they’ve done a lot on this season, killing Red John, moving ahead a couple of years, removing to Texas and the FBI, shedding Rigsby and Van Pelt and now, putting an ultimatum on Jane and Lisbon.
I did feel that there was too much stuffed into this episode - the two cases suffered. Either they should have stuck their focus on the trafficking case or pushed it further into the background, because just glancing on Jane being impanelled for Red John’s murder seemed a little too glib (if all it was about was an entry into the hit case/about Abbott reminding Jane he owns him.) A couple of things felt a little too stifled.
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