The Sound of Musicals episode 3 Star Power
I’m only just incentivised to keep up with this show (as of now, I'm two episodes behind).
In this episode, we learnt that producer Amy (whose first production is Happy Days) has been working on a TV shopping channel to earn her crust - which totally made sense. I don’t mean that in a snarky sense, either. But if I did, I wouldn’t feel bad, because in this episode she got to meet a couple of this episode’s talking heads. Fancy that!
The theme of the episode was star name = people coming in, balanced against the threat that the star name wasn’t up to scratch to perform on the stage, especially in demanding shows, hence bad reviews which could kill box office. (It didn’t go into shows like How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria? Etc.) It also looked at the linked problem of the star not turning up, and we had a perfect-for-a-musical subplot as the replacement for Tom Chambers in Top Hat lost his voice for press night for the new cast and his understudy had to step in and did marvellously, apparently. As for the theme of the episode, for me, not having Tom Chambers in a show would make me more likely to watch it.
The Mentalist 6.7 The Great Red Dragon
I was pretty tired when I watched most of this, and, due to circumstances out of my control, watched it in two sections.
Mainly spent the start of the episode wishing the team were more paranoid - like Lisbon going in straight into a burning building on her own, although I appreciated her fast gunplay, and certainly her and need to see Jane be all right saved him from Bertram, or Van Pelt (apparently, from where they cut off) leaving Smith’s identity clear and visible on a legal pad. Kindly enough, the organisation found him because he used a burner they’d given him. Or Lisbon and Jane leaving Smith unguarded in the interrogation room in CBI HQ, where they know the Blake Association has plenty of reach. Also, did he ever get medical treatment, because I thought he was as likely to die of his wounds as at the hands of the FoRJ? Or the junior three verbalising that they’re okay with Jane killing Bertram if he’s Red John in a room that Bertram paid for and might have bugged.
Not nearly paranoid enough.
Nothing I saw made Red John’s identity any clearer. Mayber it’s Ron, after all, take out the ‘ed Joh’...
Not really. But I’m not convinced and I’m not convinced that Jane is convinced that Bertram is RJ, even if he isn’t what he’s seemed to be, a killer/sociopath and quite the well-prepared authoritarian.
Are the dead guys really dead?
Enter FBI agent Abbott, who thinks he’s won the first round, but I did wonder, apart from symbolism, what Jane dropped the cup for. And apparently it wasn’t to test his reactions, but to pick up something that will be more important than the flash drive.
Been here before (apart from the team verbalising that they’ll let Jane kill Red John. Well, Lisbon hasn’t, but we can see that keeping Jane safe is her no. 1 priority now) so it wasn’t going to get me that excited.
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