Bobs and bits

Dec 11, 2013 07:19

The Three Sentence Ficathon continues, and I got a peach of a fill to the prompt POTC/Swallows and Amazons, Captains Barbossa and Nancy, a minor detail, by wingedflight21.

I've only written a couple of fills - partly due to me being really busy and tired - which are:

Sherlock (BBC), Greg Lestrade/Molly Hooper, unexpected attraction (78 words)

MCU, Bruce/Natasha, if I tried, you'd probably be/hard to find (95 words).

Digital spy has an article with Stephen Moffat discussing Sherlock’s Molly here - it devolves into a discussion of women on Sherlock and around Sherlock and Watson, with Elementary’s take on Watson the, er, wife in the attic and ends on a possibly spoilery note that I skimmed more than read. Apart from being very nice (rightly) about the actress - although surely they’d decided to bring her back for episode three while writing episode one and before they cast the part. I didn’t realise that Molly wasn’t based on anyone ACD wrote. The quotes obliquely talk about how female fans relate to her and how she expresses some of their reaction to Sherlock.

To come, at some point, a post about what I watched on telly last night and my response to the last batch of The Autobiography of Jane Eyre eps that I've watched.

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fanfiction, tv, links, sherlock hetfic, films, reading, writing, miscellaneous links, gratitude, list of my fanfiction, self-promoting links, uk, heroines, sherlock, watching, marvel cinematic universe, avengers hetfic, books, fanfiction recs

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