Catching up on what I've caught up on

Oct 02, 2013 20:32

Orphan Black Ep 3 Variation under Nature

Well, that was mental. In a good way!

I loved Sarah being terrible at cop things like handling a gun and not knowing the jargon, but stumbling into doing the right thing in the chase scene.

The hunter being a clone (or the original or the one who thinks she’s the original), not to mention so tough/crazy that a rod in her abdomen is something to drive away with? Awesome. I had bought into the serial killer mythology and was expecting a single white male who abhorred clones. This is much more interesting.

I liked the contrasts between Sarah, Cassira (sp?) and tightly wound Allison. We did get some answers and the idea of clones sinking in for Sarah, PLUS Felix knows, which says something about how remarkable Sarah is and their relationship is. There are still plenty of questions, but I’m glad the characters are raising some of them.

So, with the expanding cast at the precinct (Raj and his crush must stay and I liked the tough ladies although Art and his part-time partner were a little too good at reading the scene of the shooting) we’re going to have Sarah blagging her way into becoming a detective, which I’m sure she’d learn to be awesome at because she’s having to clean up clone stuff all the time.

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