The Oracle will see you now...

Sep 29, 2013 08:46

Post-Strictly I gave Atlantis a chance - it’s the Arthur/Robin Hood replacement for when Dr Who is off the air - as I had less investment in the myths it borrows from. I found it as entertaining as a show like this should be.

Ep 1, The Earth Bull

The script didn’t linger - two scenes and Jason’s in Atlantis and apparently it’s really familiar because he was there as a baby and that’ll be how he understands everyone speaking there, he was a bit sad about his dad and he and Pythagoras were BFFs seconds after meeting. Okay then.

But I can’t bring myself to snark. I liked Jason who attracts trouble and does dumb but nobly sacrificial things Because He’s a Hero - Donnelly made me laugh with as much as at Jason. Although I wish there were a woman in the core group, I liked Pythagoras and Hercules a lot. And they're there in the supporting cast - Stevenson is perhaps too good for her role, we’ll see, but Parish seems like perfect casting for her part and I liked Ariadne, though I hope she’ll have a little more to do than mere princessing.

There are plenty of mysteries to explore - is the Oracle Jason’s mother? Who was his Dad really (is Jason really Theseus, should I look that up)? Does walk with the dead = dead? Why is Minos not king of his own household? Queen Sarah Parish’s behaviour seemed to imply that she was Ariadne’s Evil Stepmother, is she? Will the fact that Helen overheard the former Minotaur’s last words to Jason be significant? Should I feel mean for thinking ‘that’s not the face that launched a thousand ships’?

Apart from the entertaining script and game actors, I think it’s going to help that it’s set in a sun-kissed world. The production design and art team must have had fun, I loved the sudden bursts of colour in women’s clothes (and the fruit). The music, while hardly subtle and indebted to The Hunger Games or whatever The Hunger Games music was indebted to, was just right.

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atlantis, uk, tv

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