Drabble: shining, Downton Abbey Regency AU

May 18, 2013 09:12

shining: shallowness
Downton Abbey Regency AU, Edith, Mary, drabble. Spoilers for series 2.

Edith wants to do one thing that Mary won’t - well, in truth, she has wanted to best her sister since she realised with sudden clarity one morning in the nursery that Mary always outshone her. Learning to drive a high phaeton is a little fast, a little wild and something Mary is utterly crushing about, but Edith finds that she doesn’t care when the reins are in her hand. On the night they discover that Sybil is planning to elope with Branson to Gretna Green, Edith rather thinks that Mary is glad that Edith can do this one thing Mary can’t.

This entry was originally posted at http://www.dreamwidth.org/12345.html.

dabbey genfic, fanfiction, tv, downton abbey

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