some day I'll be less spaced

May 17, 2013 19:03

Wednesday: Parks and Rec

2.13 The Set-Up

Enjoyable. I laughed at the man complaining about snow, but sympathised with the one complaining at the lack of benches.

I suppose Chris was more functional than GOB, who probably wouldn’t last a day as a technician of any variety, but he was pretty much a version of GOB. (I understand that Arnett and Poehler were married at the time, but aren’t any longer). Oh Ann, you made Mark the most functional one in your relationship! Worse, he went to Andy for comfort and advice!! Plus Justin was giving Leslie signs. But of course, she did the right thing (however, I totally love Rashida Jones’s performance, she’s utterly grounded, but makes the most normal one very likeable.)

I knew that April would get to be the assistant, but the best parts of the journey were Tom’s pick and April justifying why she should get the job to Ron. They are, in many ways, on the same wavelength.

1.14 Sweetums

But this was funnier, from Ron’s snitfit to the visit to the library to the public forum (their questions are more relevant!) I don’t fall! Deployment of the Black Eyed Peas!!

Also, I don’t know when this originally aired, so I think hindsight made the Lance Armstrong reference funnier.

I thought it was going to be revealed that Denver and Dakota had been hired to play the CEO’s kids.

Thursday: I caught up on the ludicrosity that was Revenge 1.19 Identity.

I can’t pretend I care about the Falcon.

I really don’t care for Ashley in league with Jack, any more than Emily does.

Even the biggest Nolan fan must have raised an eyebrow at comparing him with Ryan Gosling’s driver in the eighties fest.

Oh, the Falcon is a girl! Except I can think of another show that did that recently, and did it better.

And Jack’s face as Emily accepts Daniel’s proposal (where has he come to that he proposes LIKE THAT? No wonder she gave an answer that was mainly about needling Victoria) is why nobody cares about Aiden and his coming round to see that revenge achieves nothing much. (Ah, the great paradox of this show.) Although I can’t see Takeda letting him carry on with that line. I wish they’d do more with Takeda. What’s his deal? Presumably it’s anti The Initiative.

ANYway, the stuff about Patrick is only interesting in the light it shines on Victoria’s attitude towards Daniel. Well, it’s also funny that ‘Vicky’ dumped her baby for ‘an European art school’.

Just cause you’re smarter than Declan and Ashley doens’t make you big leagues, Jack. Also, of course unacknowledged remaining feelings for Emily added to his vehemence about her and Daniel Grayson.

I thought for a second that Victoria knew from the Falcon that Nolan was the source of the leak (oh by the way, THAT’s what Grayson and his opponent’s wife are up to) but having him face up to her humanity was one of the better moments in this episode. And tied it up into ‘the theme’.

The Good Wife 4.17 Invitation to an Inquest

I enjoyed it, but my brain activity barely registered above sighing ‘they look so nice together’ whenever Alicia and Will stood together. (This is probably a good thing, or maybe I'd talk about how different the opening and the working late sequence were.)

ODO! Investigating, sort of. (I wonder what Odo'd make of Kalinda's investigating.)

Throwing them into legal situations where their courtroom strategies (especially Will’s) don’t work is still fun. I liked the references to the investigation into Will. (And that we’ve seen that sleazy lawyer before. And another dig at Peter!) I thought that Jessalyn G’s character would have more of a past with Alicia and Will.

I am so glad that Alicia suspected that Eli was behind setting thingy up. Even though she did go all mama bear as he wanted.

Lex Luthor, I mean Cary’s father, came to town and was wildly unprofessional. Some very nice, subtle work from Czuchry (sp?) there. And quite well handled by Cary.

Robyn got to do some more watching and learning and working with Kalinda...I get that she’s going to be on probation for a certain amount of time (so far so good), but it’s not really helping with Kalinda’s workload, which was the original idea, no?

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the good wife, tv, parks and recreation, revenge: the tv series

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