Recs that should have been posted in 2011 2/?*

Jan 29, 2012 21:33

The Good Wife
you can like the life you're living (you can live the life you like): mardia (Alicia/Will AU for 2.01)
Beautifully done 'what if...'. Left me wishing it had happened like this for them.

Pot Kettle Black: Sadie Flood (Gen)
Really great, clever, in-keeping-with-the-show look at what was going on with Diane and Will in the middle (?) of season 2.

Harry Potter
Fanart: Luna Lovegood by until the dark

Ron Weasley Ponders Puddings: Rubberduck
Funny (if occasionally a little too arch) look at oblivious Ron. (Ron/Hermione).
Sixteen years of life had taught Ron that trying to push an extra occupant into the Gastronomical Hotel leads, unfortunately, to the evacuation of all its inhabitants.

Drunk Sincerity: stephanometra (Lily/James)
Dialogue-driven fic in which, despite everything, James endears himself to Lily.

remember how you got here: kellifer-fic (Ariadne/Arthur, Eames)
Fittingly, it has the feeling of being a fragment in a larger story. Excellent characterisation and moments of interaction and insight that I'll be weaving into my head canon.

sense memory
: vinyl road (Ariadne/Arthur adult)
Arthur trains Ariadne while Cobb gets their forger. Sensual, intelligent and the power of the summary 'time to wake up' increasingly makes itself felt.

*I don't know yet whether there'll either be one more post or two more posts in this set. (And then I'll be wanting to rec the fanworks I've come across in 2012.)

the good wife, tv, links, themed links, films, recs, harry potter, books, fanart recs, fanfiction recs

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