Recs 1/?

Jan 28, 2012 18:00

In the ideal world in which I don't live, this set of recs would have been posted last year. Better late than never!

and back again: torigates (Alice/Hatter)
Glorious Hatter here: why he decided to go after Alice and what he found there.

The Brothers Bloom
What Shadows See: Boosette
Bang Bang-centric ficlet that fleshes her and her contradictions out.

Buffyverse (BTVS and Angel the series)
Gore-fest: jennyo (Harmony-centric gen. Spoilers for 'Destiny'.)
Uses Harmony's memories of normal food and current blood dependence to funny, moving, unsettling and effective use.

2 atoms in a molecule: dollsome (Wes/Lilah vidlet. Spoilers to the end of season 4.)
There's a just-right sharpness to this.

The Path of Thorns (Demon Girl remix): erinya (Anya/Giles PG-13, but read the header notes.)
Brilliant characterisations, shows us what could have been and why it isn't going to be. Very much from the demon girl's perspective

Dead Like Me
Drinking With Death: shinealightonmen (Gen - language.)
Mason gets a post-it with a familiar name.
Brilliant idea. A fic that's very much in character and in universe, as someone else put it.

Steady Now: anxietygrrl (Neela/Ray. Mature - Post 15.20,'Shifting Equilibrium.')

When he ushered her inside his ground floor apartment, it was like the place had been expecting her. He'd thought he was settled in, but he could suddenly see little spaces he'd left open for her without even thinking about it: gaps on the shelves, the whole right side of the coffee table. He wondered if she saw them, too.

She walked into his space and immediately became the center of it; everything else seemed to orbit around her. She made sense there. She made everything else make sense.

She belonged.

Or as the author put it, In a word: FINALLY.

A Month of Thursdays: anxietygrrl
More Neela/Ray awesomeness as they negotiate living a shared life together.

Easy Girl: une fille (Rachel/Puck, Puck POV, mature.)
She is his Ms. Fix-It (Break-It, Fix-It Again.)
Has a nice handle on their dynamic and provides a touching (but Jossed) resolution to the baby drama of season 1. (The author also wrote a companion ficlet to this story and a chaptered sequel, which is good, but an abandoned WIP.)

tv, fanvid recs, links, themed links, films, glee, recs, buffyverse, dead like me, er, fanfiction recs, an alice in a wonderland

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