My adventures without LJ

Jul 29, 2011 08:08

I couldn't access LJ, like everyone else, so I posted about it on Dreamwidth. Then my access to LJ was intermittent, so I posted about that and The Hour:

Livejournal has been intermittent for me (I could read my friends page, but not edit this morning) and it's one step forward, one step backwards in another window. As we know now, a DDoS attack is the cause. I'll try to cross-post this, and if it doesn't work, I'll do so manually later.

The Hour episode 2 overall, this is still disappointing. IT's the writing, but you feel that the show could handle the issues, the conspiracy, the feminism and the relationships better. I groaned aloud when it turned out that the crossword puzzles were A Thing. At least I have registered Bel's name and she did some stuff, even if it seems as if being a producer is a bit like being a mother and a nurse, actually. And wouldn't she know enough Latin to have worked out what Clarence was saying? Some of the nods to today's current affairs were a bit clunky (credit squeeze!) But then, apart from the shippy stuff at the canteen, there was that element of Bel's mother and Hector's wife intruding on work space. I liked the team getting drinks (Anna Chancellor's Lix(?) is still the best thing about the show; that and its look. But then, despite everything - that he behaves appallingly, that she lets him for his version of adoration, that neither seem willing to let it go anywhere, making for a curious, submerged eroticism - perhaps because they are getting to play at their work together - I do like Bel/Freddie. Of course, that may be in a having to choose a side in the triangle way, with Hector being married. I would probably ship Bel/Work if the script let her be better at it.

And now, I should upload a story that's been posted on DW to AO3, because I said I would.

Said story is up (a canon pairing in an obscure fandom, she tantalised.)

Hopefully, I will be able to post this!

uk, tv, the hour, lj stuff, dreamwidth, comings-and-goings

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