Recs for fanfiction, fanart and fanvids, from A to H (fandoms), or my very latest fandom to my very biggest one. Het, gen and a wee bit of f/f.
Alice (2009)
Bluebottles: orange_crushed
Alice/Hatter. Hatter coming to terms with his new life (with Alice, in her world). Odd and funny and happy and just right.
At the drop of a hat: Random-Battlecry
Charlie is love. Fill-in about what happened on the other side of the looking glass after Alice left that answers questions I didn’t know I had.
Aftermaths/Maths After: Random-Battlecry
Picking up where canon stopped, (and a sequel to the previously recced fic) this is deliriously romantic. It made me beam as I read it (some paragraph formatting issues).
The Grit and the Pearl by funkyinfishnet
So, so good. Duchess, adapting and learning and hurting as Wonderland is rebuilt under its new King, while their relationship is shifting. Fully realises the characters and nails Duchess’s thought processes.
White Diamond: funkyinfishnet
Duchess/Jack. Sequel to above.
Jack and Duchess falter their way towards each other, amid conspiracies and ambushes and dangerous silences.
Her Name Is Alice: jagwriter78 - very nice Alice character study that does a fab job of showing the character’s journey
Blinding: BobbyMcGriffin
Apposite use of the lyrics to tell the story of a girl and a boy in a dream. (I suspect I should probably never watch a Florence and the Machine vid for a pairing I didn't like as it might convert me.)
The Bourne series
Breathe: fearlessfan
Marie/Jason. Set between Identity and Supremacy, but some spoilers for the latter.
Beautiful look at Marie and Jason's relationship after the reunion; the danger, the sacrifices and what makes it all worthwhile. I loved the way memory runs through this fic.
The World of Women: seperis
Marie/Jason. Set after Identity. Explicit.
It starts off with a question, which gets answered at the end, but the initial question wasn't the important one after all. Rich look at Marie's life and relationship with Jason on the run.
Downton Abbey
Their Old Familiar Carols Play: ljmckay
Ensemble with some Bates/Anna. A series of snippets from Downton's first Christmas after the war starts.
I'm reccing this now rather than more seasonally, because I suspect canon will overtake it, but it's beautifully observed and judged.
Untitled fic (writeen for 14 valentines on the theme of body image): slob-child
The second year Andalasia Fashions has been open, it comes under attack for promoting unrealistic body images for young girls. This is the story of what Giselle does about that. Yes, this story has A Point, but it also has a great characterisation of Giselle at heart. It shows how she's grown and how she hasn't changed at all.
Distance Between: anxietygrrl
Neela/Ray, spoilery for season 15.
I could pick dozens of awesome quotes from this fill-in fic, which reminded me, as this author's fic always does, of how these two make me melt.
A Bargain at Twice the Price: anxietygrrl
A love story in six shopping trips (to Target). About 5,000 words. Yes, it's domesticated, but that element of bickery negotiation was always part of their relationship and counterbalances that angst that generally comes along with Neela/Ray fic.
Between Words and Silence: diarmi
Powerful (but seriously angsty) John/Aeryn vid
untitled Lauren/Puckish ficlet: sotto voice (scroll down, it's the last section)
Nails the dynamic
The Good Wife
the world unravels in rewind: empressearwig
Alicia before and after (spoilers for season 1). Fleshes out what was referred to as happening by the show wonderfully: what she did, what happened to her, what she thought - all coloured by what she now knows - and what she started to do about it.
Blood Sugar Sex Magik: innie-darling
Kalinda-centric. Part by part, who she became who she is. (It was written after season 1 and might have been written slightly differently after season 2, but that doesn't detract from the rightness of it.
Harry Potter
The Trio as My Little Ponies by odduckoasis
"Hermione! What did you DO?" Hee.
The Silver Doe by cowboifunk
Beutifully effective.
Hermione and Luna by courtneygodbey
The artist talks about liking the contrast between the characters and it shines out in this drawing.
Window Shopping: Hogwarts Horror
Harry and Ginny. Should put a smile on your face when you see it.
The Fat Lady by dream of fire
I love her attitude and the mystery bottle at her side
Hermione Reading by feliciano
Love the details here and the warmth of it
Neville Longbottom by enozym
Very Matthew Lewis influenced portrait (and I came across this before seeing DH2).
Seven Looks at Luck, Life & Love: _thirty2flavors
Teddy-centric, with Teddy/Victoire. Really insightful fic about Teddy's upbringing and tangled relationship with Harry, given the loss of his parents and who he is.