
Aug 09, 2007 10:54

I'm swallowing my last dregs of coffee before going to sit on my suitcase. I'll probably be back online in some shape of form on Sunday.

FNL Mudbowl - was excellent. Coach and his field of dreams! Characters I don't much care for being awesome (Smash, Lyla - the 'say please!' lecture - and Tim). I love the idea of Waverly and Lyla going around Texas armed (I mean, I do in an entertainment-value sense, in another, I'm disgusted that a community leader's mentally ill minor daughter can easily access a gun and by American gun laws in general.) Buddy mostly being immune to the Taylor sarcasm! And the ending - my poor Tyra. Putting it down on paper, it seems like such emotional manipulation, to have a crucial game played in the mud and rain on a made-from-scratch field intercut with an assault (with her hair like that and in the jacket, Tyra looked so young), but it was so well done and so gut-wrenching. The win was a release.

And I saw the ep that came after last night Again, excellent. (Are they going to state? I'm not clear on that point :P) LANDRY! MRS T! Much flailing at the general excellence and you don't know how gutted I am to be missing the finale. I entertain hopes of a region 2 DVD release.

WiTB came straight after Mud Bowl, and I was really hoping (futile with this show) for no rapes. What we got was a plot that did come together…just (I don't know about being left to wonder about all the bits that didn't fit the main crime for so long, it felt a little messy). Most of it was predicatble - that Tony's mentor was an alcoholic failutre - although I thought he was fixating on Tony rather than just trying to spoil everyone else's life. And I called the multiple personality of the murderer before Tony, even if he used the proper term (but niiice misdiirection on the brothers front). So much wrong and twisted in the ep with the Bad Mothers (countered by Alex's normal anxieties of how moving to take her promotion would affect her son).

For reference, I am still in the Tony and Alex are platonic, oh yes they are, camp, though I like how they interact, Alex could've taken the promotion and been replaced by anyone else as far as i was concerned. My shipping energies for the show seems to have shifted to Paula and Kevin. I don't want the show to go there (Tony/Alex) being still faithfully Tony/Carole OTP, and he is so very damaged. Love him for that. Goodbye for another year most creepifying and sick show on TV.

VM - Papa's Cabin I was a little underwhelmed - mayube beause the Twop recapper had guessed rightly and spoiled whodunnit for me, but most of the first half was Keith recapping what had happened- I mean interrogating suspects. Mindy and Landry finally came clean about the o'Dell visit (yay! Flashbacks! Dare I hope we'll get Lamb flashbacks seeing as Muhney is still in the credits?) Mindy vamped it up beeyootifullly as the black widow (by the way, poor Sussex-bound kids. They've lost all their paternal figures, although maybe in Veronica Mars world, that's not a bad thing). I did think there was a good bit of teasing us with the plausibility of it being some sort of Mindy/Landry combo.

But my mind was wandering enough to notice that the window in the (small) lecture hall is the same as that of Mars Investigations, oh, gulp, is Veronica's visit there the last we'll see? Cause surely Keith will stand in the special election, and, having solved a big murder and cleared his name and being competent will get it.

But really, did I care about who'd dunnit? Not that much. There were a few nice Keith-Veronica moments, and Veronica and Tim were moderately entertaining 'in the field'. We had some Wallace, which was nice, and okay, I can buy Parker only now facing up to the ramifications of her, erm, friendliness with Logan for her friendship with Veronica. And I will miss the setting up of the next (and final, GULP!) mystery.

ETA: I forgive the Twop recaps for the accurate guess, because now I know that the next eps are stand alones - which is a good spoiler - and for covering a couple of scenes that I may have missed because I went walkabout during an ad break. Having said that, why do Bravo feel the neeed to run a trailer for the show (not the upcoming ep, but the show, containing future spoilers) just before it airs? I have been feeling a lot of goodwill towards them for 'Phonetical about film' and playing 'I've got the power' in their Charmed trailers, but STILL.)

friday night lights, uk, tv, witb, veronica mars

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