Shipping meme

Aug 08, 2007 17:43

Via musesfool

Six Ships I like
1 Ryan/Taylor
2 Spike/Lynda
3 John/Aeryn
4 Neela/Ray
5 Mal/Kaylee
6 Warren/Layla

Three Ships I've Abandoned
7 Max/Alec (sort of)
8 Ryan/Anna
9 Clark/Chloe

Three Ships I've never liked
10 Remus/Tonks
11 Ryan/Marissa
12 Mal/Inara

Two ships that have piqued my interest
13 Norrington/Anamaria
14 Simon/Inara

1. Why do you dislike #11 so much? (Ryan/Marissa)
It was so dysfunctional! They couldn't be happy with each other, they fixed each other in static roles that were no good for either of them, Ryan forever wasting energy into a vortex, Marissa never motivated to get better.

2. Who is someone you know that ships #13? (Norrington/Anamaria)
I know fabu writes them, I'm not sure if she 'ships them with a capital S. I could retrace my steps (essentially who has them listed as an interest) to find the hardcore shippers, who left me a trail of breadcrumbs by which I could find the fic I have been reading over the past few weeks...

3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3? (John/Aeryn)
More weird and wonderful and warped adventures on Moya with their created family (and little D'Argo). A little less crazy for John. Aeryn cracking smiles more often. Lots of sexing.

4. Which is your favorite episode for #1? Try to pick just one. (Ryan/Taylor)
Fave ep? Ha ha. I pick the whole run from when she turns to him for help with the lawyer of her French huband on to The Look. It seemed to get more awesome, except for the bump of trying to stuff too much into the final episode.

5. How long have you been following couple #6? (Warren/Layla)
Since I saw the scene in the Paper Lantern where they hang out and he cuts through her babble and isn't what she expected and the possibility between them just fizzes. (Since autumn of 2005 according to imdb, so just over a year and a half).

6. What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring? (Ryan/Anna)
Falling for Ryan/Taylor. I liked all the Ryan canonships except Ryan/Marissa, but Ryan/Anna was my default go-to functional 'ship ficwise until season 4 and Ryan went 'Wow'. I'd always loved Taylor, but never thought of her with Ryan, but I am SO GLAD the writers did and went there and it was delirious, but it worked, and made me so OTP that I feel guilty when I read R/A now.

7. Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4? (Spike/Lynda or Neela/Ray)
Spike/Lynda, because Neela/Ray is a bit of a shadow for my uber bantering couple, and, as it turns out (whimper) a missed opportunity, one strand among many, whereas Spike/Lynda was the central 'ship of the show and was let rip in all its messy magnificence. With better dialogue. Although Neela/Ray COULD be/could have been more functional, because even at her worst, Neela can't touch Lynda.

8. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12. Remus/Tonks or Mal/Inara.
Maybe because HP is more recent, but I'd choose Remus/Tonks. I liked them both very much as individuals by the end of OotP, Rowling did not sell me on the ship during HBP. Now, while I also think Mal/Inara just isn't going to work, however Stm plays it, post StM, I can still imagine Mal/Inara and Simon/Kaylee cooming to natural break ups and my preferred Mal/Kaylee, Simon/Inara developing organically. Even though it would mean no Teddy, I could sacrifice that and maybe Lupin would still be my favourite grown up in Harry Potter. Or at least battle it out with Minerva.

9. What interests you about #14? Simon/Inara
Slipping them here feels like a cheat, becayse I'm more than interested in them, I've probably read more Simon/Inara than any other Firefly fic lately. The way they could work. The way it would be hard and wistful, but that they could appreciate the things they've lost and what they carry with them from that lost world in each other, because they have to struggle, but together they could conjure up a kind of civility in the wilds of the Verse.

10. When did you stop liking #7? (Max/Alec)
I haven't stopped liking it! is my first, indignant response, but I've been burnt out for a while. I think I last posted fic in May 2006 and I may not have read a DA fic since then. I like the dynamic, but I couldn't be bothered with the complicated tussle with a frustrating canon, weeding through the mediocre fic for the good fic that delved in 3-D characters and not fanonical stereotypes (and then I'd be jealous of them). Being in the fandom became work that I couldn't get around to doing, it stopped being fun for me and I haven't really dipped my toes back in there though I'm expecting myself to do so eventually. Maybe.

11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show? (Clark/Chloe)
Not really. I think it was the schedulers who made it impossible for me to keep up with Smallville. I didn't ship Chloe exclusively with Clark, and I just put the ship on this list bvecause I used to read Chlark fic and then didn't. I only saw one episode with Lois in it, so I don't know how she'd affect my feelings about Chlark. It's a fandom I keep meaning to get back into, even though there are plenty of far more frustrating things about the show than not exploring the potential awesomeness of Chloe/Clark (though I think I was thinking she was too good for him by then end of season 3).

12. What's a song that reminds you of #5? (Mal/Kaylee)
I'm not great with assigning songs to ships. Could I swop Mal/Kaylee with Giles/Anya? I have one for them. Consider this a holding answer, but 'Since I found Serenity' (ie the theme music) will have to do for now.

13. Which of these ships do you love the most?
I vole Spike/Lynda the mos...erm...John/Aeryn probably, although Mal/Kaylee and Ryan/Taylor make me happy.

14. Which do you dislike the most?
Ryan/Marissa. Easily.

15. If you could have any of these two pairings double date, who would it be? (even better if they're from different shows)
For kicks, John/Aeryn and Norrington/Anamaria. Preferably with N/A being transported in time after they've just had a clinch that surprised both of them, but their reaction to that that has to be set aside to deal with being in a future on a ship (A LIVING SHIP) with a raggle taggle band of crazy aliens. Anamaria seems to settle most quickly.

Oh my, just thought of Norrington coping (or not) with Rygel and Chi, let alone the brain splodey existence of Moya.

John thinks it would be a good idea to take them out for quiet drinks planetside, Aeryn thinks it's a terrible idea, but can't stop him. The double date ends in a gunfight. Obviously. Norrington may or may not be drunk. What WOULE he make of the Peacekeepers? The more I think of it, the more awesome a crossover this would be.

16. Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if you'd like. (Spike/Lynda)
Yes. 'At Last a Dragon' (possibly the best first date ever shown on TV) and many times after that. I'm rewatching the show right now, and have only reached 'Money, Love and Birdseed', Tiddler was trying to play yenta for them, but is was a bit of a miss. However, we (audience and newsroom) do know that Lynda likes Spike subconsciously (ie she wants to kiss him), while he both fancies her rotten AND knows what subconsciously means. Attaboy.

17. Did #4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely? (Neela/Ray)
I am not convinced that it's the end, even if he doesn't come back, although he could, and if/when Nagra leaves, they could bring him back a la Doug for Carol, because, crazed shipper hat aside, okay, tilted a little, they are the Roomies!!! As things stand, no, it's angst central because Neela took forever to make her mind up and he got drunk and walked into a lorry and lost his legs and is now bitter and going away. Sniff. (But he might come back! But if she were to yank his chain any further, I would break into several itty pieces, I would.)

18. What would make you start shipping #14? Simon/Inara
Um, I really did cheat by putting them here, because I do already, really. They deserve more fic. And longer.

19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 or #6?
Spike/Lynda or Warren/Layla
Spike/Lynda did happen, and, as I've explained, I was pretty happy with how the relationship was developed. I would love to see Warren/Layla (because there would have to be a sequel!) although I do not know how canon would deal with Will. I don't know how to myself, which is why I spend a lot of time thinking about the pairing, but not writing them. Erm, I don't know how to answer this. S/L is one of the all time greats!

20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them? Remus/Tonks

They fight alongside as members of the Order, but there is no romance. Tonks does not lose her powers because she is pining for him and her animagus does not change form, Remus does not marry her, impregnate her then run away from it. After Mad-Eye's death, he begins to show more leadership of the Order and kills Fenrir. He probably still dies, but in a meaningful way covered in several paragraphs, because I liked him being part of the Maruauder and Lily guard. Tonks survives and becomes head of the Aurors, being a positive role model for Hermione and Ginny. If she does have very young babies in the future, she doesn't rush off to battle and leave them behind, even if they are not as cute as Teddy. She may or may not call her first son Alastor Remus, but if she did, he would be older than Albeus Severus and snag called 'Al' and AS would be called Albie.

potc, tv, dark angel, smallville, films, farscape, sky high, firefly-serenity, meme, harry potter, books, the o.c., er, shipping

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