I've been happy enough with Thursday night as having a good run of programmes I want to watch this autumn (starting with The Avengers, then variously, Veronica Mars, The Innocence Project and The State Within.) I think this has something to do with ye olde Roswell-Buffy combo on BBC2 many years ago. NOw that TSW's finished, I can watched Bones. I was going to do off-line fannish stuff in front of the telly. The plan was going swimmingly. The Avengers was the infamous Hellfire ep (okay, they mentioned it on an ITV documentary I saw one time). Most amusingly, given the character, the actor who played the main baddie looked very much like Ethan Rayne.
And then I switched over for The Innocence Project and it was not there. I'm confused! We've had four eps, is that it? Waaah. I wasn't seriously expecting a second series, because I am assuming that very few of us are watching, but I expected a run of six or eight eps or something. Instead there's Holby CIty. I should be glad, because I did get more stuff done, and watched The Daily Show, which was funny - John Oliver who I don't know from anywhere - seems to be quite the popular bloke.
And then I watched Bones (2.5 The Truth in the Lye">- and I have vaguely fannish, okay, ship related stuff to say.
It's sort of related to the whole what man needs three women at the same time? I think three ships on the go is my limit, and even though I find Boreanaz adorkable in this, for now, I'll take the canonical Boothe/Rebecca*, Boothe/Cam and obviously they'll go there someday Brennan/Boothe. And at least they acknowledged the 'single moment' issue, which I agree may well be tosh in an actual relationship, but a TV drama relationship involves the audience, and pushing the getting together back too long kills the audience's interest. But Angela/Hodgins was so cute - the bath!!! the looks exchanged - that even though I have been able to see the Boothe/Angela, it is too much, (for now, it could change with years going on. I like the characters' dynamic, but even if they are played by an attractive actor, one charactor having UST or RST going on with every other character is exhausting. Also they muddied last week's saint Angela up nicely.
* My issues with Boothe sleeping with Rebecca are mainly to do with the fact that she seemed to be serious about the new boyfriend who was worrying Boothe the other week, but there was no mention of him. Were the episodes out of order? Though the Jack/Angela seems to be running along nicely which would suggest the airing order is as it should be. I spent a long time being confused by this, anyway.
With the case, not so much. The trouble with an 'hour' (less with all the ads, obviously) long drama is that your number of suspects is limited, so it becomes rather obvious whodunnit. Even for me. Still, Bones does deliver on the character interaction - I liked Cam with Zach - I can see how she fits into the team dynamic, as well as being a rival to Bones and it works. Okay, the Angel having sex! Duck! (had to slip in one obligatory reference) fake-out was not as big or clever as they thought, but the pratfalling was funny.
I am really looking forward to this weekend. I am deluding myself that I will be able to catch up with everything that I need to do, but I'm going to have a shot at it.
Also, I'm noting the change in the posting page. I don't have an opinion on it as yet, other than noticing the change. It may be easier in the long run (it's so hard to judge, because you're used to the old way of doing stuff, so you've adapted.)